Chapter one

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Air Force Doctor captain Williams looked over the Er as more and more wounded stumbled in. That things were bad was an understatement at this point he had all the nurses, the guard, and the less critically injured tending to the wounded coming in. "How's it looking out there seaman" he asked one of the wounded warriors in the steady stream of victims coming in to the hospital. "We're holding sir, but..." "but what son" Williams looked at the young mans rank, Private First Class Daniels. No older than twenty, if that. "Talk to me Daniels, what's the field looking like?" The young man winced as the security guards set his makeshift gurney down then rushed off to help more critically wounded soldiers pouring in at seemingly endless numbers. Daniels continued " was only supposed to be seventy, eighty thousand tops, captain." He groaned as he adjusted himself, his eyes losing focus as he got lost in his thoughts. "Seventy thousand, right. Sir, we made full contact at zero dark thirty last night, time now is" he glanced at the wall clock "Seventeen twelve, now sir because of the bad weather poor visibility and lack of heat sigs on the dead heads, we don't have much in the way of air support, still artillery has been rocking non stop." Doctor Williams wasn't any kind of fool, and even a fool could see the line of thought the private was getting at. He slowly sat down. "This battle should have been over, in time for lunch..." "Right" chimed in Danials "So apparently intel is very bad at math.."  Williams looked away and sighed deeply "well, let's hope so private, I'd rather them be really bad at math than gauging the enemy." Doctor Williams excused himself after that, but try as he might he couldn't shake the feeling that after all the rain, the real storm was just starting.

Daisy Thomas didn't feel anything, that was odd because she had been in so much pain when she went to the hospital. Athletic and smart, she had been the lead contractor of the reconstruction of the city for the last  3 weeks. It was due to her efforts that the military even had a city left to defend. Patching leaks and unstopping sewage, had turned into building barricades and learning streets for huge military vehicles and manpower. With no help trying to build defenses and keep a city from drowning, it was only a matter of time before somebody got hurt, and bad. She was glad that it had been her and not one of her workers. They had families, loved ones, hopes and dreams. All she had was a nice truck, a good right hook, and a love for junk food. She could afford a few bumps and bruises. She reached down to her left side, still no pain, still plenty of blood though. The sight of the dark red fluid made her dizzy, and her 6 foot frame started to wobble back and forth. When did she even sit up on the hospital bed she wondered, why couldn't she keep her balance? "Uh oh" was all she said as she teetered, tottered, and then fell down. As the floor rushed up to meet her face, she was finally glad she couldn't feel anything. Suddenly she was falling in reverse, and in her blood loss addled mind that was hilarious."Wheeee!" She giggled as her body magically righted itself, the came to a stop, resting on....she look up. A pair of big, light brown eyes stared back at her. "Wha..?" she murmured out loud. "Hello Ms Thomas, My name is Captain Williams and I'll be your doctor for as long as I can today. We're quite busy but I will make sure you are well cared for before moving on, I promise." Daisy looked the good doctor up and down, and then up and down again, more slowly the second time around. Those dark honey eyes were framed by a sharp brow, and sharp strong cheek bones, a sharp crew cut topped a worried looking brow. Although the man supported her entire 6 foot frame, he didn't seem to be straining in the least. She could feel his biceps bulging from the effort but any strain was not conveyed through his breathing or movement at all. "Ms. Thomas, are you alright?" She looked up to see the doctor giving her wound a once over."Oh yeah doc, I'm just fine!" She put on what he hoped was a flirty smile, but in reality was a open mouthed slack jawed grin. "Sorry I bled all over your nice white suit, It's just like homecoming night all over again!" She slurred as she slumped a little to much over Doctor Williams shoulder. Something in her head told her it would be a great idea to moan in fake pain, but also kind of seductively into his ear, so she did that too. "Uuhuhugggarrgh" she grunted. Doing a perfect recreation of the sound of a sick wilderbeast, if only that was the noise she was going for. Williams looked down in alarm. "It sounds like you may have a punctured lung, I'm going to have to get you to lay back so I can examine your wound more closely!" "Ohh ok, doc, help my lay back please, I'm still so dizzy I may do a fall and hurt myself, so hold me tight ok.." she giggled and wrapped her arms way tighter than needed around William's neck. "Um, ok now Ms Thomas, I, uh, I'm going to help you lay back, so I can see about your lung." The doctor stammered, embarrassed and wishing to be anywhere but in this room with a crazy woman on morphine. He leaned slowly forward. That was his one mistake, with her head resting on his shoulder, there was no way the doctor could have seen the devilish fire that lit up in Daisy Thomas's eyes, the bared teeth already opening in anticipation of what was about to happen. The perfectly laid trap was sprung.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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