Operator: Alright then, the police will be there in 1 hour.

Leanna: Alright then.

1 hour later

The police arrived and went right towards Leanna and Lincoln.

Police: Where is the family at?

Leanna: points to the loud house Inside that house!

Police: Thank you ma'am, we will take care of business right now!

The cops headed right towards the door and rammed right through it, breaking it down

Police: This is the police! Everyone on the floor and hands in the air where we can see them!

Rita: Shit its the cops!

They all followed the cops orders and took a knee to the floor, throwing their hands up in the air.

The cops handcuff all of them.

Police: You are under arrest and you all have the right to remain silent! Whatever you say will be held against you!

The cops went and arrested 11 of the 12 Loud's, picking up Lily and taking her away as well. But they weren't gonna send her to jail.

Lola: I can't go to jail! I'm too pretty for jail!

Cop 2: Tell it to the judge Missy!

The cops led them outside, and that's when the Loud's saw Lincoln and Leanna.

They were furious at seeing Lincoln yet shocked at seeing Leanna.

Lynn: Whoa, she is huge!

Lana: I wanna be as big as her!

Luna: Man, she's really buff!

Leanna waves at them, well, at Lana and Luna. She noticed something in their eyes as they saw Lincoln standing next to her, but it wasn't hatred.

Lincoln: Serves you all right for what you did to me

They all, sans Lily, Luna and Lana, glared at Lincoln with pure hatred and rage.

Lynn: You're not getting away with this Lincoln! You and that muscle bound woman over there aren't going to get away with this!

Lori: When we break out, we'll hunt you down!

The cops then took the Loud's into their police cars and drove away.

Lincoln: I don't think so Lori...

Leanna: They're gone now.

Lincoln: Yep, they're gone now.

Leanna: It seems like you don't have a home now either.

Lincoln: Nope.

Leanna: Well, you could always stay at my place.

Lincoln: Does that mean I can live with you?

Leanna: Sure, as long as you're not rude.

Lincoln: Okay, I'm never rude!

Leanne noticed how cold he was and took off her jacket, revealing her blue sleeveless shirt and her bulging upper body muscles.

Leanna: Need my jacket?

Lincoln: Yeah, I do need a jacket.

Lincoln smiles and takes the jacket, putting it on over his cold body. It was a big fit for him, but at least it kept him warm.

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