Chapter 29 Saving my best friend

Start from the beginning

"Come on we should go before more guards start showing up" Hiccup said and Lisa nodded before we started rushing back down the hall.

"Jade I didn't want to bring this up now but you've got a cut on your lip" Lisa said as we ran.

"Yeah I know it's from the guard hitting me" I replied before we came out onto the main corridor.

"It's most likely that Eret got her in the cell she was in before so he can keep an eye on her" Lisa said and we ran down the hallway but Lisa was a quicker runner than me so she sped ahead.

"Hannah don't worry she won't be going anywhere anytime soon so stop worrying" I suddenly heard Eret's voice come from down the corridor.

We turned a corner and suddenly saw Eret himself and another girl where Katelyn's cell was.

We saw them turning towards us so I pushed both my brother and Lisa behind a rock.

"What do we do?" Lisa asked.

"We need to lure them away from the cell" I said and suddenly came up with an idea

"Stay here" I said and started to run off but Lisa grabbed my arm

"Wait where are you going?"

"To save our best friend and her baby" I said and she let me go so I could run off.

I changed back into my dragon form and roared as loud as I could and hid in the shadows until Eret and that other girl with him appeared.

I knew the roar would be loud enough to lure Eret and that girl, Hannah I think her name was out towards my friends and knowing how smart my friend are they would know that the roar would also be a warning for them.

They ran past me and out towards my friends while I ran into the opposite direction until I heard the loudest scream I have ever heard.

"Jade! HELP!!" I heard Lisa scream.

I sprinted back towards the cell and came round the corner and saw Lisa and Hiccup surrounded by guards.

I started helping them fight the guards until I saw Eret appear with what seemed to be his girlfriend.

I launched myself at him while turning back into my Night Fury self.

Eret pushed his girlfriend out the way and started fighting me.

I mostly spent time trying to stop him from knocking me out cold. I looked back briefly and saw Hiccup and Lisa had managed to break into the cell.

I finally managed to scratch Eret causing him to bleed and evacuate the room with Hannah.

I turned and ran Into the cell after they had left.

I saw Katelyn, Lisa and Hiccup all on the floor with Lisa freaking out.

"Jade get your dragon ass over here Katelyn's hurt" Lisa yelled at me

I ran over and saw a pool of blood on the floor next to Katelyn's stomach.

I rushed over to LIsa side while Hiccup checked for a pulse.

I gasped after realising where she had been stabbed.

The baby!

"It's dead" Lisa said before bursting into tears and hugging my neck

I rested my head on her shoulder while looking my at Hiccup who was starting to look worried.

Finally he calmed down and gave out a sigh of relief.

"There's a pulse but it's uneven and weak, we need to get her to Gothi" Hiccup said and I nodded.

"Jade fly her back to Berk and don't turn back" Lisa said And I nodded while Hiccup picked Katelyn up and placed her on my back.

"I swear, don't turn back to help us get get her to Berk" LIsa said seriously and I nodded before flying as fast as I could out the prison and back to Berk.


I flew all the way to Berk as quick as I could and landed while giving out distressed roars.

The whole village started trying approach me but I was mainly looking for my parents or Astrid.

"Jade?!" I heard Astrid;'s voice call out and I turned to see her and my parents rushing over to us.

"Where's Hiccup?" She asked and I tried to gesture for her to help Katelyn.

She finally saw what I was trying to say and checked my back

"Oh my gods Katelyn! What happened?!" She asked horrified as Dad took her in his arm.

"We need to get her to Gothi" Mom said and we all ran towards Gothi's house.

I knew the baby was dead but I hoped that Katelyn was ok

Oh Katie you better be, I need you, you can't leave us


Here you go guys, chapter 29 let me know what you thought thanks for reading

Luv ya dragon riders

Tia 💕💕💕

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