Chapter 29 Saving my best friend

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We flew all the way to Eret's island and saw the girls fighting off guards that were surrounding them.

I instructed Sunlux to fire at them and give them a scare and make them run off.

We landed and dismounted and ran ran over to them.

"Are you guys ok?" I asked and they nodded.

"They know we're here and they won't let us get to Katelyn" Lisa said slightly panicked.

"Don't worry we'll get to her but one of us needs to stay with the dragons so they don't tie them up again" I said

"I'll stay" Hiccup said but I shook my head

"No we might need your help" I said and he finally agreed after a few moments

"I'll stay" Shannon volunteered and we all agreed before trying to sneak into the prison.

"We have to be smart about this because we've only got 1 shot at it" I said turning to face the other after we slipped before a rock and out of view.

"We know but I think it might be safer if you were your dragon self just to keep us safe" Lisa said and I nodded.

I knew to it would be better to change but not now because I would be too tall to stay behind the rock.

"Come on" I whispered before leading them round the back like Lightning-shift did with us last time.

When we were round the back and out of view I stopped and told the group to go on ahead of me while I changed.

I heard and felt the horrifying sound of my bones cracking as I changed form, I then ran the catch up with the others.

I walked along side them before we heard a sound come from behind us.

"Thought you Sunlakeians would figure it out eventually too bad you won't be around to help Katelyn" We heard Eret's voice say as we turned around to be greeted by him and about 20 other guards.

"What have to done to her?" Lisa said tensing up which made me growl.'

"Try not to make too big of a mess won't you boys" Eret said to his guards before turning and walking in the other direction as his guards launched themselves at us.

I let out a plasma blast as they came towards us to give us some time to run but we were then stopped by guards coming in the other direction.

"We, Are, Toast" Lisa said slowly when we realised there was no way out of this one.

"Not if we stand and fight" Hiccup said before ducking a guards attack.

I ducked an attack that a guard through at me but not in time enough for another one to punch me square in the face, dazing me.

"Jade!" I heard Hiccup call out as I fell to the ground from the impact.

"You alright?" He asked as I slowly going but up.

I nodded before blasting a guard coming at Hiccup from behind.


We continued fighting them until every last guard was either dead or knocked out cold.

I slowly got up off the ground after dodging yet another attack from a guard and looked over to see if Hiccup and Lisa were ok.

"You girls ok?" Hiccup asked the both us of as we all regrouped.

We both nodded and Lisa walked up to me checking if I was hurt after seeing that I took a hit to the face.

I warbled to say I was ok as she let me be. I changed back knowing that we could get to Katelyn faster if the guards didn't see a dragon in the prison.

Dragon Masters ~Book 2 of Dragon TeamWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu