chapter 11

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the next morning i woke up later than usual i walked downstairs and i seen everyone in the living room besides kol and rebekah and maya

"your up finally"caroline said

"yeah"i said

"where's maya"i asked

"in the kitchen with kol and rebekah"bonnie said

"ok haley whenever your ready we can go"i said she nodded and i walked in the kitchen and seen kol feeding maya and rebekah watching

"your awake i swear i was gonna come up there to make sure you weren't uncouncious"rebekah said looking at me then back at maya

"i never sleep in"i said

"never say never"kol said

"i am going to go into town with haley you can keep maya today or i can take her"i said

"i'll keep her"he said

"thanks"i said and walked up to them"i'll be back don't worry i'm not going anywhere"i said to maya

and walked into the living room

"why do you always have somewhere to go"jer said

"i run a major city and i am me"i said

"you might not want to question her its gonna come back to haunt you"bonnie said

"i'm ready"haley said

"ok"i said we left we got in my car and drove to davina's house when we got there i got her key from under the matt and unlocked her door and went upstairs she was in her kitchen setting up

"your here great"she said

"what are we here for exactly"haley said

"Three things one we can find out early what your having and two we can see if you have any family and three were gonna try to find your wolf pack "i said and her expression changed

"really your gonna see if you can track them"haley asked

"yes we are"i said smiling

"Ok let's get started were going to do your family first"Davina said Haley held out her hand and davina cut her hand and the blood dropped on the map and Haley's hand instantly healed Davina started chanting and the blood moved (Haley's mom is gonna be alive but her dad is dead)

"The bayou" I said

"It would make sense no one goes down there"Davina said.

"We can go when were done"I said

"Ok your birthmark for your wolf pack do you have one"Davina asked

"I have this weird cresent mark on my neck"I said

"Your from the cresent pack"me and Davina said

"Why'd you say it like that"Haley asked

"I wanted to reverse the curse but I needed someone from the pack give me your have please"Davina said

Haley looked confused but complied Davina started chanting and all the candles she had in the kitchen lit up
After a few minutes the candle went out and she stopped chanting

"Is it lifted"I asked

"Yeah"Davina said

"Now we track the pack"I said

"Yup"Davina said she got some more blood from Haley put it on the map and started chanting something else and the blood started moving again and stopped in the bayou

"Ok we know where they are your family there in the bayou"Davina said

"Before we go you wanna find out what your having"I asked and she nodded Davina put her hand on Haley's stomach and chanted something else

"Looks like the mikealsons better gain some restraint because y'all got another girl coming"Davina said

"Oh yeah there not gonna be dating till there seventeen"I said

"Yeah cause kol is gonna let his daughter that looks like you and him date"Davina said

"Ok let's see if we can find them"I said

"Ok"Haley said we went back to my car we drove as far as we could go

"Your gonna have to get on my back or walk be aware I can get us there faster"I said

"Ok"she said I crouched over for her to get on she hopped on and I ran to the little hut in the bayou when we got there she got off and we knocked on the door a woman answered and opened the door and there was a whole bunch of people in their

"I'm Sophie who are you "she asked

"I'm Haley and this is my friend elena"Haley said

"Vampire"she said looking at me"werewolf"she said looking at Haley

"Yes we are looking for my family and wolf pack"Haley said

"We're part of the cresent Moon pack"she said  Haley showed her the mark on her neck

"Andrea"she said

"I go by Haley now"Haley said

"I'll come back later"I said

"Talk to him"Haley said

"Maybe" I said and vamped back to my car and drove to the house when I walked in only kol and Maya were here"where did everyone go"I asked

"Klaus said he was board Rebekah went to go see her ex Caroline is trailing Klaus Bonnie went to go talk to Cami Alaric is board and misses teaching and he took Jeremy with him I don't know where Elijah went where's Haley"he asked

"With her family"I said

"You found them"he said

"Yup come on let's take her to the mountain top"I said

"Is that safe"he said

"We're her parents she deserves to get out and she's not crazy enough to jump"I said

"Ok let's go" he said  we vamped to the top of the cliff and sat on the edge with Maya sitting in between us

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