The Game. Upd 1

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Holy Grail War RPG Rules and Skills.

1. Every action will be decided by a roll from 1-6

2. Only the Grail is capable of summoning Extra servants

3. Depending on what Rank the action or skill is, it may get a plus 1 or minus 1 when rolled for use

4. Servant stats will be able to grant plus 1 or minus 1 during attacking, evading etc.

5. Ranks E&D provide -1 on rolls, C is neutral, A&B are +1. EX is +2

*Luck works the same, for example if one were to roll a on attack and the servants strength is B, then they would add 1 to their roll, but since their servants luck is EX then they would add another 2 to their roll.

6. For NP rankings the number of +'s or –'s determines how many added number on the roll

7. All servants summoned by the Grail shall get +1 on everything

8. When in 3 player, decide targeting based on number assignments. (P1=1-2, P2=3-4 P3=5-6)

9. MP usage: total mana for each player at start dependent on their rolls. Starting with 1 as 200 then increasing by 100 for every number after, players use 5 mana each turn to sustain the servant. 100 for resummons, for NP see next rule, for using your own attacks check rule 11.

10. NP Ranks E--- to C+ use 30 mana, NP Ranks C++ to B+++ use 70 mana, NP ranks A--- to EX use 100 mana.

11. Players with the Servants that have Independent action will get their own turn to attack, otherwise players will be using their only turn to attack and then the next player will go. Attacks are as follows:

· Gandr: Use 15 mana, roll to see damage and how bad stun is

· Firebolt: 10 Mana, roll to see damage and severity of burn

· Nature's Gamble: Only useable in a forest, use 5 Mana and roll to see if it works or not. 1-3 yes 4-6 no. If yes then gain 40 mana, if no lose 30 mana

· Water's Blessing: Only usable next to a body of water, use 20 mana & roll to see if ritual succeeds. 1-3 NO 4-6 YES, if no then turn is wasted, if yes then increase Servant parameters by 1 letter.

· Engel Rid,Storch Ritter:Takes one turn to construct a familiar capable of autonomously hunting down masters and dealing damage equivalent to roll. *This does take up a turn from the person constructing the familiar and is only deployable the turn after and can also be used as a shield, only one form at a time. Use 10 mana per, cap at 5.

12. Burn & Curse system: Unless healed by their master using mana, burns and curses can become deadly, to heal a burn starts at 40 Mana with curses at 50 scaling upward per level by 10 mana. *Level 10 burns and curses cannot be healed

Level 1 burns will kill a servant in 10 turns, Curses at the same level will kill at 9 turns.

Level 2-3 Burns kill at 7 turns, Curses at that level kill at 6.

Level 4-5 Burns: 5 turns. Level 4-5 Curses: 4 turns.

Level 6-7 Burns: 3 turns. Level 6-7 Curses: 2 turns

Level 8-9 Burns: 1 turn. Level 8-9 Curses: Instant

Level 10 Burns: Instant.

Level 10 Curses: Instant + servant cannot be summoned back next turn.

13. Critical Chance, every roll gets a chance of crit. Only if 6 is rolled will the hit count as a critical hit and do 2x damage

Servants & Their skills

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