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The smell of blood and ash filled the air. The only thing to be heard was the clanging of swords and the muttering of spells. His fellow knights tried to convince him to go to safety but he would not be swayed. His loyalty was to his father and to the throne, he would protect both until his last breath. He saw his uncle move to attack his father's unprotected back. He quickly dispatched the traitor he was currently engaged with and sprinted to block the strike aimed at his father.

"Traitor," he spat.

He fought on back to back with his father, slowly edging their way to an exit. He blocked and parried as he pushed his father through the exit. A piece of rubble fell from the ceiling and struck him in the head after he closed the exit. His vision swam as he continued to fight until his mind was consumed by darkness. He could only hope that his parents and his brother were safe.


He awoke to his uncle greeting him with a sadistic grin hanging over him. He found that he was restrained to a table when he tried to move, each limb was shackled to a table leg with rope secured his torso and abdomen in place and another rope under his chin kept his head down and gagged.

"I'm going to wipe your memories and change them. I'm going to send you to Camelot where I can keep an eye on you if you don't get killed. And I'm going to make your erased memories haunt your dreams." His uncle whispered tauntingly.

His uncle pressed his fingers to his temples preventing him from turning his head, and started chanting in the language of the Old Religion. Darkness consumed his thoughts once again.

Prisoner of Memories (Prince Merlin Story)Where stories live. Discover now