He had a bad day

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The morning had started bad for Kirishima. He had missed his alarm and sleep in. He hurried to class and fell in some mud that had formed from the rain of the day before.

He got to class finally and there was a surprise test. You noticed he was already wanting the day to end. "what's wrong with Kirishima" Mina whispered."He's had bad day" you whispered back.

Mina just looked at him thinking. "I KNOW TO cheer him up give him one of those cute plushies you have" She smiled. "EH- BUT THATS EMBARRASSING what if he makes fun of me" I
You looked down. "You want him to smile right" She asked.

"O-of Course i do" You looked up a bit. "than give him one I known Kiri since middle school he'll like it" She smiled. "O-OK but after class when he's in his dorm i need to pick the right one" you said. She smiled at you.

The rest the day nothing changed for Kiri. Bakugou and him got in a argument so they are mad at each other. He hadn't smiled all day. He got to his dorm first thing after class. You looked for your plushie that he would like. Soon you found it, it was a red dragon plushie that had a sorta shine to it tho it was soft and squooshie.

So soft you had used it to cuddle or use as a pillow while sleeping. You took the plushie and headed to his dorm. When you got there you could here him punching the punching bag in his room. You knocked a couple times.

The punching stopped and the door opened. There Kirishima stood shirtless sweating.

"Here I hope your day gets better" you whispered as you passed him your plushie and ran off face red.

Kirishima stood surprised he looked at the dragon. It had a line on it's left eye as if to copy his scare drawn with a black marker. He went back in his room and fell on his bed cuddling his new toy. He couldn't help notice but it smelled like you that made him love his gift even more.


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