Happy Birthday my boy

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I was walking around with my boyfriend Kirishima he seemed distant even tho he was holding my hand. He looked like he was in deep thought.

"Kiri are you alright" I asked. He snapped out of his thoughts and looked at me."OH yeah I'm fine" He smiled. "Something on your mind it's okay you can tell me" I smiled. "It's nothing rlly I promised Bakugou I would train with him I'll see you later" he kissed my cheek and ran off.

I knew today was his birthday and so did the hole class we all have been pretending we didn't remember. But I once over heard him say he likes surprises so I was planning one. He hadn't seen his parents in a long time since he got to UA because how far they lived so I got them plan tickets and they are now in my house.

Mina helped with decorations. Momo made the cake and Bakugou and Denki were making sure he didn't come to his house Early by destracting him it's not that hard to destract him.

I stayed up for days planning every little detail for his birthday I got him several gifts and so did everyone else I tried getting his favorite hero there the Crimson Riot but he says he's not a birthday entertainment so sadly he's not coming that asshole.

I went to my house and took all the presents I got him and his parents. "Young lady you are so sweet to do all this for our son he's rlly lucky" His mom said helping me get his presents. "You think he'll like it" I asked worried. "HE'LL LOVE IT" His dad smiled.

"Thanks" I smiled we all went in Kirishima house as all class 1-A was setting up. We didn't invite Mineta.

Kirishima pov

I woke up on my birthday I was excited Y/N would probably send me a good morning text saying happy birthday. I checked my phone but all I had was the normal Good morning form Y/N not even my Parents said happy birthday.

I felt so disipointed. Maybe I was asking for to much. I didn't think of all people Y/N would forget. She's always remember everyone's birthday even Awaiza sensei was I not special to her.

I got all my morning stuff ready and left my empty house. I walked to Y/N house she was waiting outside like always. She Smiled at me I couldn't help but smile back. She held my hand as we walked to school she talked about how she thought her brother was a pony once.

I walked in class and not one person said happy birthday not even Mina and she went to middle school with me she loves birthdays. Am I rlly not that special. I Frownd. I mean it doesn't rlly matter but deep down it hurts. The day went by like normal Y/N smiling and laughing and making fun of Bakugou but this time I didn't join in.

As we were walking to get ice cream Y/N spoke."Kiri are you alright" She asked." Oh yeah I'm fine" I smiled. I actually feel depressed it shouldn't get to that much but I been feeling homesick lately and this just made me want to cry.

"Something on your mind you can tell me it's okay" she smiled." oh it's nothing rlly I promised Bakugou I would train with him so I gotta go" I made an excuse and left her looking Confused.

I was walking around when Deki stopped me."Bro me and Bakugou are going to train come with us" He smiled."Sure" I shrugged. We went to the training ground and began to train. Soon after we left they all wanted to walk me home.

"Hey Kirishima you like surprises right" Denki asked."Yes" I responded not rlly listening."That's great Cus Y/N says she's breaking up with you she's waiting for you in your house" Denki said. I snapped my head to look at him. I looked to my house and began to run to my house. Tears running down my face.

This has got to be the worst birthday ever. I thought. I opened my house door to see the lights were off. Than they flashed on. "SURPRISE" Everyone in Class 1-A Yelled confetti flying and Bloons going every where.

Oneshots + Small stories (Kirishima Eijro X Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt