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|Warning: some nudity. Reader Discretion is advised.|

Gladion looked at the beautiful mess beneath him. Moon's hair was scattered, her body covered in marks made by him. Her legs lightly trembled at how badly he had wrecked her. Her soft gentle pants almost beckoned him to kiss her again, but he felt she had had enough for a day. "Are you okay? Nothing hurt?"

Moon nodded, her eyes opening weakly. "I-I'm fine," she said softly, giving a rather gentle smile. It was genuine, though it was a surprise to both parties. Gladion nodded and gently kissed her cheek before undoing all the bonds and collars. "I-I didn't mind the collars..." Moon muttered softly.

"Oh? Would you rather they stay on then," he teased. Her red face caused a chuckle to arise and he gently caressed her cheek. "I'm joking." Moon sighed and sat up.

Knock, Knock.

Who could that be, Gladion thought. He got up and glared at the door, locking Moon in her room.

Knock, Knock, Knock.

The knocking grew more frantic as he walked closer. He opened the door to find Lillie and Hau. "Gladion, Moon when missing after our little hero attempt went wrong! And there are people who need her!" Hau said, rather worriedly.

Lillie nodded. "Please, Gladion, help us find her!" Gladion looked between the two and nodded.

"One second..." He closed the door and walked to Moon's room, before becoming stern with her. "Moon. I'm going to let you go back into the real world... But you are still mine. If anyone flirts with you, even looks at you funny and I find out? They're dead." Moon looked up in fear. "Hau and Lillie are the only two exceptions."

"Wh-What brought this on, Gladion?" Moon asked softly, slowly going back to getting dressed.

"Hau and Lillie are here. Now listen. This is the story you give them," he started.


Moon and Gladion walked out hand in hand, causing Lillie and Hau to run inside at the sight through the window. "Moon! Oh, we were so worried! Have you been here all this time," Lillie asked, taking the black haired girl's hands.

"No... I got kidnapped, but Gladion saved me. He had to wait a while before saving me and thought it'd be better if I stayed away from society for a while to recover." She gave a fake gentle smile at Gladion.

"Sorry for keeping you in the dark, you two. I didn't want her getting overwhelmed," Gladion said, gently pulling Moon closer. She let out a squeak and blushed, looking at the coffee table to the side of Hau and Lillie.

"By the great tapu's... You still got to play hero! And by the looks of it, you two are together as a couple!" Hau smiled brightly. "See, we had thi-"

"Hau, hush. You'll only make her upset." Lillie said, gently slapping his wrist. He let out a soft ow as Lillie spoke to Moon. "Moon, are you two an item?"

Moon thought for a moment. She and Gladion had already had sex... But he had held her hostage for what felt like months. In reality, it was only a few weeks but still. What should she...

"Not exactly- at least not yet." She said honestly. She felt Gladion's hand squeeze her's and she bit her lip.

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