Chapter 15. Real life

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Timothée looked down at the sleeping girl who had her head rested on his chest with his arms wrapped around her. He couldn't help but shamelessly admire her short, brown hair, her plump lips, her cute nose and lightly tanned skin. She was beautiful.

He though about his conversation with Soairse and her advice. Should he really tell her how he felt, now, right before she was leaving? Of course there was three weeks until she left, but what if she didn't want a relationship, maybe she didn't like him like he though she did and it'd ruin their friendship? He was an awkward, scrawny actor who wasn't that well-know. She was an award winning actress, an A-lister in Hollywood and a household name all over the world. He knew she didn't care about all that, but in the midst of his overthinking, he couldn't help but wonder why she would ever notice him.

He was pulled out of his thoughts as the movie they'd been watching ended and he felt Lyra stir. He watched her face as she woke up. At first she made a cute expression, snuggled more into his chest, before she opened her beautiful, brown eyes and looked up at him before giving him a tired smile.

"Hi," she whispered.

"Hey," he said just as quietly. Her waking up in his arms after having fallen asleep while watching a movie at his apartment seemed so domestic to him. He silently wished it could always be like that.

"Um, look. There was this, uh, thing I wanted to talk to you about," he started nervously.

She looked at him expectantly, yet with patient eyes. "Tim, you know you can tell me anything. I promise I won't laugh or judge you."

He gave her a hesitant smile before pulling himself together, looking her directly in the eyes and taking a deep breath. "I think you already know how much I like you. You're insanely talented, caring, kind, wonderfully sarcastic and absolutely stunning. I've liked you for a long time now, years actually, and I've only liked you more since getting to know you. You're amazing, you know that?" he chuckled slightly and let his eyes drift over her face. She was smiling shyly with flustered cheeks from all his compliments. He took another deep breath before continuing. "I get if you don't want anything to happen between us, or if you don't feel the same, I just thought you should know that I would really like to be something more... Ff you want to that is," he finished awkwardly looking down at his lap, too nervous to look at the girl for her reaction.

If he had looked up though, he would've seen a happy and emotional girl. Her entire face was red from blushing so much, she had a smile on her lips and her eyes were glossy. She gently placed a finger under his chin, lifting his head to make him look at her. He had an unsure look in his eyes, not knowing what to expect from the situation the two were in, after just opening his heart and pouring out his emotions, afraid to get hurt.

"Timmy if you can't see how much I like you, you're blind. I want to be something more, I'm just nervous. We're both so busy and relationships in this business are hard."

He swallowed and nodded. "I know. But I'm willing to go through it, to work on this. We can make work, if we do it together," he said hopefully. He wasn't giving up yet.

She smiled at him. "I agree."

He released out a breath of relief.

"But I want to take things slow," she added.

He nodded understandingly. "That's alright. We can go out to dinner or something and just hang out."

"Yeah. That sounds nice," she agreed.

"Alright." He sat up straighter. "Well then, Lyra Jones," he spoke formally. "Would you do me the honor of letting me take you out to dinner on Thursday night?"

She laughed and looked at him fondly. "I would love to."

"Great, I'll pick you up at eight," he grinned happily. "Wear something nice, but nothing too formal."

They smiled and continued talking before they fell back to sleep in each others embrace.


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