Chapter 14. Messages

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Timothée Chalamet - Timmy

Soairse Ronan - Sersh

Sersh: Sooo Timmy how did your date with miss Lyra go?

Timmy: It wasn't a date, we just went out for lunch

Sersh: Sounds like a date to me

Timmy: That's just because you never go on dates

Sersh: First of all ouch

Sersh: Second of all did you at least have the guts to ask her out on an actual date

Timmy: Not really

Timmy: It's just that she's leaving in like three weeks for the press tour for Infinity War and doesn't really have a lot of time and neither do I

Timmy: I know I really like her and am willing to put an actual effort into a relationship but I don't know if she is. I know she likes me too, but she might not want anything more to happen

Sersh: Oh Timmy, just take a chance, I'm 99% sure she does and if she doesn't the worst that'll happen is that she says no

Timmy: Yeah and then things'll be awkward

Sersh: I'm sure it won't, just talk to her

Sersh: Are you with her now?

Timmy: Yeah we're watching a movie but she's fallen asleep and she's just so precious. I don't want to wake her

Sersh: Okay but that's cute

Sersh: Just wait till she wakes up then talk to her

Sersh: You'll be fine

Timmy: Fine I'll talk to her

Timmy: Thank you

Sersh: No problem

Sersh: Now go get your lady ;)


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