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Keith's POV:

I was pulled out of a really good dream. I could feel the sun on my face from the open curtain. I slowly peeked my eye open, needing to close it immediately after. It was too bright for this. I was about to roll over to my otherside, away from the sunlight, when I felt resistance on my arm.

I looked down, peeking through my bangs, down at what was holding me down. There, laid the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Tan skin that seemed to glow in the morning light. Soft, curly brown hair that tickled my arm. The tiniest hint of freckles dashed across that cute nose.

Lance was sound asleep, arms wrapped around me. His head was resting on my arm, which was what was restricting my movement. I smiled down at him, remembering last night's events.

Last night was the annual ball and dinner party to celebrate another year of peace. Everyone had been chatting and meeting new leaders of different tribes and planets that had joined our alliance.

I was hiding in the corner near the refreshments, trying to stay out of everyone's way. Apparently, Lance had spotted me from across the room. He had snuck up on me, scaring me out of my skin. He had a good laugh while I tried to yell at him. I couldn't help it, it had been an entire year since I last saw him. I smiled instead of scowled. I had barked with laughter instead of death threats. I had stared at him openly, instead of hidden glances.

He noticed, and tried to tease me. But, somehow, I ended up confessing my feelings for him. I don't even remember what I said. I thought he would have laughed in my face or joked around it, but he didn't. He smiled, a small blush moving over his cheeks.

He told me that he had liked me since back in the Garrison, that he didn't think he had a chance with me then. That's why he would fight with me, because he was angry that he couldn't be with me. After another hour of talking and some slight flirting, he took my hand and lead me to his room in the castle. Things... happened. Oh boy, did they happen.

While I was reminiscing about last night, I looked over the beautiful man in my arms again. I scanned every hickey, bite mark, and swollen spot on his skin.

"Maybe I was a little rough." I mumbled, tracing my thumb over a deep bite mark on his neck.

"Nooo." I looked back to his face, shocked that he was awake. "You weren't too rough. Relax." He mumbled, scooting closer and pressing his face into my neck. I smiled, wrapping my free arm around him tightly.

"Okay. Good morning by the way." I said, kissing the side of his head. He groaned, pushing closer.

"No. It can't be morning yet. If it's morning, then that means we have to get up. And if we have to get up, then that means we have things to do. And if we have things to do, then that means we'll be separated. I don't want to be separated. I want to stay here, in your arms, forever. Please." His please was so small, I just wanted to cover him in kisses to try to make him feel better.

"Well... I can't promise forever, but I don't have to do anything today." I whisper in his ear, running my hands through his hair. He hummed, kissing my neck a few times.

"I actually don't have to be anywhere today either. I just assumed you'd be busy, par usual." he said, and he started sucking on a spot on my neck. I sighed in bliss.

"Well then, I guess we're fine to stay in bed. All. Day. Long." He giggled before I started kissing his lips. So soft and sweet. God I love mornings.

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