I have lots of questions.

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Sunset's POV

The ponies that fell from the sky are the ones from my dream I keep having! This is all confusing, how did they get here? Where did they come from? Who are they? What do they want? I have so many questions running through my head but I keep quiet for now. We had guided them to the castle Q nd gave them rooms and said to meet in the throne room for introductions. On the way to my room I ran into princess luna and princess celestia.

Princess luna: good morning sunset shimmer, and how is thou's morning going?

Sunset: its been good, but you know that dream I've been having, well part of it came true.

Princess celestia: which part?

Sunset: creatures from the human world fell out of the sky, so far, there's no sign of evil following them.

Princess luna: tis that good? Or bad?

Sunset: I suppose good, since we just locked up cozy glow. We don't need another magical mishap plaguing our world.

Princess celestia: that being true, keep your guard up, you know as well as anyone of us that, the dream you are having repeatedly, is not a dream, bit a vision.

Sunset: yes princess celestia.

As we finished talking the two sisters went back to walking to their rooms, I turned back to go to mine, when all of a sudden I got this terrible headache. I groan and stumbled to the side a little, losing my balance, I knew I wasn't supposed to be up during the day, and that the moon festival was coming up soon, but I wanted to find out what I could about those ponies before I fall asleep for the day. As soon as the headache pasted, I righted my stance, continuing to walk down the hall.


Raph's POV

When the ponies left us to get situated in our rooms, I couldn't help but find my room a little......big for me. Maybe thats what you get from living in a sewer your entire life. I shook my head and turned to go to the throne room like they said to meet at, thing is, I don't know where the throne room is. A little filly that had a yellow coat and a red mane with a big bow in her hair came trotting up to me.

Applebloom: howdy mister! I'm applebloom, I'm supo'sed to show ya to the throne room!

Raph: nice to meet you applebloom, I'm rapheal but you can call me raph, and thanks, I was wondering how I was gonna find it.

Applebloom: right this way Mr. Raph

Applebloom then showed me the way to the throne room and I found everyone there.

Casey: hey raph! What did you think of your room?!

Raph: a little too big from what I'm used to, but I like it, its red with yellow and tints of orange in it.

Casey: cool, my rooms got a farm feeling to it, its a barn red along with some brown and orange, and there's a bucket of apples in the corner on a stool.

April: thats weird, my rooms yellow with butterflies painted on the wall

Karai: mine's black with rainbow lightings painted on the walls.

Mikey: my rooms orange with pink, and it had blue and yellow balloons tied to the end of the bed post.

Donnie: my room was purple, and it had diamonds sitting on the dresser.

Leo: mine was an indigo violet, with stars decorating it.

Splinter: my room was white, and had a brown rug on the floor with symbols on it. And it was decorated with yellow suns.

princess sunset shimmer x prince raphealWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt