Chapter No. 89 Disgust

Start from the beginning

"He is considered worthy of life," the alien said.

I wasn't sure what he meant by that.

"We would like to know how you developed the ability for androids to sexually reproduce. We are androids and have just recently attempted this."

"You may land your shuttle vehicle near the largest domed city. There is a landing platform near the entrance."

An image of the domed city appeared with the entrance location and a large landing platform made visible.

"Alexa, Alice, Ben and I will go down there. If something should go wrong, I want all weapons systems activated and ready for action. Inform the Scath ships to do the same."

"Are you expecting trouble?" Molly asked.

"I don't like this situation. Something doesn't seem right about this, especially since it was involved with the Phoenix Project."

She gave me a nod, but I could see in her eyes that she was concerned.

The trip down to the landing zone went without any threats. As soon as we were safely on the landing pad a covering moved out from the dome and enveloped the pad and us. After an atmosphere was established in this enveloped pad, a door opened to the main dome.

We got out of the shuttle and walked through the opening, which closed behind us.

Two aliens approached. They were similar to the image we saw on the video communication session. They appeared to be the same as what I would term a prototype human. Their faces had a simplistic appearance, making me think they were androids. They were attired in shiny metallic uniforms that covered most of their bodies.

"Welcome to our home," one of the aliens said. "Come, and we will talk."

We followed them to a large transparent cylindrical shaft that rose to the top of the dome. When we walked through an entrance to the shaft, we could see that it was composed of layers upon layers.

What we saw in these expansive levels made us cringe, if not physically, definitely emotionally. Each level contained alien species kept in virtual zoo settings. One of these had humans. In all cases, the species appeared to be living in virtual artificial settings that resembled their home planets. This immediately brought to mind the other situation we had found like this.

The aliens showed us level after level of these alien captives, who seemed to be impervious to their fate. Three of them were reptilians, one was an insectoid, while others appeared to be all sorts of hominid types.

At the very top was an unoccupied zoo that resembled a more modern human setting.

We realized that something serious was happening when a group of aliens holding weapons appeared from an elevator.

"Welcome to your new home," the alien said. "We have been waiting for you to complete our collection."

"Ah, you're making a very serious mistake," I said. "Our vessel is under orders to attack if we are threatened."

"We will neutralize your vessel," the alien said, sounding cocky.

"You do not realize how stupid this is," I said. "We have weapons powerful enough to turn this entire planet to rubble."

"If you do that, you will cease to exist."

"Our current bodies will, but we will be resurrected in new bodies, but yours will be rendered to dust."

The alien turned to the armed group. "Stun them!"

They didn't move.

"What is wrong with you, stun them!" the alien shouted.

"We have neutralized their central system, Jason," Alice said.

"Well," I said to the alien in charge. "It appears that your game is over.  We will be leaving now.  I would advise you to not attempt any more violent acts against us."

We turned and entered an elevator and descended to the lower level. We exited the main dome and boarded our shuttle. The protective covering retracted, and we ascended to our ship.

When we entered the command deck, Molly, Marie, Margaret, Alex, Alicia, Vince and Victoria applauded.

"Do you wish to have the planet destroyed?" Judy asked me.

"No! But get me the hell away from here before I change my mind."

I plopped down in my chair at the engineering station. "We still didn't find out how they developed the technology for android reproduction."

"We have that data, Jason," Judy said.

I turned to her and smiled. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you."

Judy did something human. She laughed. What we heard next from her was no laughing matter.

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