Princess: Idk... I sort of like this one more...

 I sort of like this one more

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WWH: ......... 

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Princess: Yoongi Oppa is handsome

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Princess: Yoongi Oppa is handsome. But he's not my Worldwide Handsome. This right here is all mine, and I feel so happy and special because of it...

 This right here is all mine, and I feel so happy and special because of it

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WWH: Princess... I really am Handsome, aren't I?

Princess:... That's what you got out of that?

WWH: Lol, no, babe. I'm happy and blessed to have you too. 

Princess: Yeah, you are ;)


Jessamine: *poke*

Jessamine: *poke poke*

Jessamine: Omg, dude, seriously!

Joonie: Uh... sorry for not taking my phone with me to the bathroom?

Jessamine: Oh... lol.. totally forgiven
What the shit is going on with Hobi?

Joonie: No idea. He's barely talking to me right now

Jessamine: Oh, namjesus, are you serious... Is this over, Angie?

Joonie: *blinks*  Did you seriously Namjesus me?

Jessamine: Haha.. yeah, I guess I did. But seriously, is this over Angie? 
Because she would be seriously pissed if she found out he was mad about it.

Joonie: Well, yes and no.
It's technically about her, but only because Tae decided he would open his mouth and start talking out of his ass.
And then, of course, Jungkookie had to jump in and AGREE with him.

Jessamine: Dude, seriously... imma brb. 


Oppa has joined the chat.

Bunny has joined the chat.

Idiot has joined chat.

Jessamine: Oppa, you might want to gain control over these idiots you have in your group before I take a train to Seoul and stick my foot up their asses.

Oppa: *sigh* What did they do this time.

Jessamine: Tae decided to mention IN FRONT OF HOBI how attractive he finds Angie, knowing how jealous Hobi is right now. And Idiot #2 jumps into the conversation and agrees with him.

Bunny: Hey, now it's not my...

Idiot: But she is gorgeous, and I don't feel bad about saying it.

Jessamine: Grrrrrrrrr omfg you 2.. You are so lucky there are a few hours between us right now. 

Oppa: *blinks* What did I do to deserve this...
How many people did I kill in a past life to earn this sort of hell?
I'll deal with it, Jessa.

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