Chapter 20 - Scandalous Day

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And so the night passed.

The faint sunray filtered through closed window and dark curtains, caressing her face tenderly and waking her up from the deep slumber of threatening night.

Her eyes were too heavy to open and her tired body wanted to drift back into the calmness of sleep. But her habit wasn't willing to sleep back and so her wide awake mind.

Rubbing her eyes, she sat leaning on the headboard. Stifling a yawn, she forced her eyes open.

Her eyes met with his grey ones. The pain and longing in his eyes layered with an unknown feelings squeezed her heart and she forgot to breath in the moment captured by their eyes.

She didn't know what were his fears, behind the masks of his arrogance and she didn't know who he really was, behind the visible hatred, but he was there always for her. And he would be always there for her. It was enough for her. She maybe confuse of everything and everyone but one thing she was sure was, that he would never hurt her.

And after what happened in last twenty four hours, no one could persuade her in believing that Abhay meant her any harm, not even Abhay could persuade her otherwise.

"You didn't sleep?" Even before she knew the words were out of her mouth as their eyes remained lock in each other

She saw his hesitation and the way he broke the eye contact, coming out of his trance of watching her, she was sure that there was some matter.

"Just.... Woke up" he answered, stepping down from the recliner and picking up his coat.

He wasn't honest and she knew it. But it didn't hurt her and neither she persuaded him to tell her the truth. Instead, she let the silence comfort him when she knew she couldn't help him with her words.

"We must leave now" Abhay said wearing the coat.

Piya nodded in agreement. They must get out, early and immediately. Before anyone could get whiff of the situation and misunderstood the whole matter.

As if scared of something or someone, Abhay held her hand once again and guided her out of his room, down the stairs and out of the mansion. While her eyes remained lock on his cautious and attentive yet emotionless face.

The sun was rising from the horizon of clouds yet was half hidden behind them. The morning breeze was crisp. The atmosphere was heavied with eery coldness.

Piya rubbed her bare shoulders as biting coldness freeze her blood. Her teeth clattered and her hair flew into her face as the snowy wind blew around her. She raised her head to watch the amassed clouds. Snowfall seemed to be inevitable.

Her escape last night was in a haze and she didn't get chance to fetch her shawl. Besides, the night wasn't as cold as the morning. Her worn out pants with half sleeves shirt weren't ideal clothing for the snowy-cold morning.

The warmth engulfed him with his vivid scent hitting her nostrils. She looked at his coat resting around her shoulders with the sleeves dangling and her eyes moved to Abhay. He was walking nonchalantly but seemed to be aware of her every feeling.

A smile came on her face as she slipped her hands in sleeves and pulled the coat tighter around her. The warmth was welcoming and so was his distinct scent.

There was this strange feeling of being blessed when everything around her was darkness. His presence and his actions, made her feel as if she didn't want anyone or anything else. As if, he was all, her heart desired.

Maybe it was all due to her broken life, suddenly getting light.

Or maybe it was Abhay.

Her gaze turned to him and her breath hitched. Always under the pile of coverings, he looked absolutely charming without his stuffy coat. The black t-shirt sticking to his well-toned body gave a sight too difficult to look away.

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