Chapter 1: Journey to Ryloth

Start from the beginning

"Fire!" Grievous commanded. At his order, the Ion disruptor released its hold on the charged up EMP, firing it in the direction of the Republic cruisers.

A wave of purple energy was inbound towards Plo Koon and his men.

"What's that they're firing at us?" The officer questioned.

"Whatever it is, the shields at full power should be able to counter their attack," Plo Koon responded. As the wave drew closer, it came into contact with the pods. Immediately, they shut down power and were only being propelled by the forces pushing them before. "Wait, that's not an energy blast," Plo Koon realizes, "that's an EMP wave. Brace yourselves!"

Not long after, the wave came crashing into the front and sides of the ships. Rendering the ships absolutely useless. In the bridge of The Triumphant, it felt like the inside of a maraca.

Plo Koon stands after the shaking has ceased, "I want all men who are able to find and re-activate the power generators. Also, I need some of you to contact the repair team for the hyperdrive."

"Their shields are down," The droid told Grievous.

"All cannons, fire," Bolt after bolt of pure red shot through the vast expanse of space in between the 2 clashing forces, the first half a dozen rounds ripped the escape pods down to scrap metal and fuel. A flurry of crimson energy took out the cruiser to the left of The Triumphant. Only a few seconds later, the cruiser to the right went up, and down, in flames. A controlled column of energy bolts tore through half of the ship in almost an instant.

"Sir, power has been restored," The Clone officer stated, "if we are lucky, the hyperdrive will be activated momentarily."

"Forget the hyperdrive, we must evacuate, everybody to the escape pods immediately!" Plo Koon shouted at the top of his lungs as he jumped out of his cover and hastily ran towards the pods. The clone forces, what was left of them, ran to the door. As it was opening, a giant bolt of energy blasted through the hull of this section of the ship. three unlucky souls, the Officer among them, were sucked out into the empty void of space. Master Plo Koon jumped to the main control panel and smashed a button, creating a field inside of the ship that should have stopped the three men from leaving. Unfortunately, however, he was a second too late and only managed to surgically remove the right arm on the officer. The other clones acted in horror and disgust at the sight of the disembodied arm plopping onto the ground with a meaty thwack.

Suddenly, with a newfound motivation to leave, the Clones ran to the pod bay, followed by Plo Koon. Plo Koon organized the clones into groups that could fit into the pods. As he began to fit each group into their sections, a blast fired through the hallway. A blue wall of energy appeared that stopped the men from being engulfed by the vast emptiness of space, but another shot came through the hallway, followed by another wall. At double pace, Plo Koon stationed the clones. With only three shots left until the pods started being destroyed. Master Plo then realized that there were still some clones left outside of the pod.

"Men, we must leave now. Get into the pod," Master Plo demanded while pointing at his would-be escape pod.

"No sir, you need to be kept alive," The clones responded, "We're clones, we're meant to be expendable."

"Not to me," Plo Koon then tried to walk up to them and squeeze them into the pod, but the clones ended up shoving him back toward the pod, causing him to trip and fall into it. The remainder of clones on the outside closed the pod door and shot them into the scrap pile of ships. Plo Koon got one last look at the clones who had served him before a crimson ray blasted them into pure carbon. Master Plo and the rest of his men that were in the pod with him donned a saddened expression.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2020 ⏰

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