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That morning Harry woke up in a unfamiliar room and the smell of bacon coming from downstairs. He reached to the bedside for his glasses and looked around, he remembered now. This was Proffesor Lupin's house and his parents and Godfather were there, he smiled and went downstairs to the kitchen where his mother and Lupin were cooking breakfast "morning Mum, Proffesor" Harry greeted them as he sat at the table "Good morning sweety" Lily said "I'm no longer your Proffesor, Harry, please call me Remus--" "or Uncle Moony" James said as he walked in "that's what used to call him. As a baby" Harry blushed "how'd you sleep?" James asked and sat down, Harry looked at him "good. Great actually" he said, truthfully, Lily placed a plate in front of him and turned to Remus "are you always this low on food Remus?" She asked, Remus bit his lip and nodded "usually" James and Lily both frowned "well then i suppose some shopping is in order" Lily said, James nodded in agreement. 
"Hey, where's Sirius?" Harry asked after breakfast "oh. Still sleeping" Remus answers "he was never an early riser and he was exhausted so... He should be up sometime in the afternoon" Harry nodded. "Harry wanna come with me to the store?" Lily asked as she tied her shoes, Harry's eyes lit up "sure, I'll go get ready" he ran up the stairs and shut the door quietly, as to not disturb Sirius. Remus handed Lily money "hope that'll be enough" he said, Lily frowned "is this all you have? I figured the money we gave you would last longer" Remus looked down "I- I er... Didn't take the money" James eyes widened "WHAT!? WHY!?" James exclaimed "I thought it would be disrespecting you and I've been doing fine, I've had muggle jobs and was saving..." He rambled, trying to reason with them, Lily let out a sigh and shook her head "you stubborn bastard" she mubbled "keep your money, i have my own. Harry, you ready!?" Harry ran down "yup" She smiled affectionally at him and opened the front door and stepped out.
Later on, Sirius woke up and Remus carried him down stairs and fed him, James got a bath running for him, figuring that would be good for his friend who hasn't bathed in almost 13 years.  Remus nodded his thanks to James after Sirius was done eating and carefully carried him up to the bathroom and seated him on the closed toilet lid and started to unwrap his bandages and peel off the prison clothes he hadn't got to changeing yet. James walked in with new clothes, ointmint and fresh bandages which he placed at the edge of the sink. He cringed at his friends bony form underneath his prison robes, he helped Moony help Siri into the tub and wash him, knowing Sirius couldn't do it himself.
After this, Sirius fell asleep, the task exhausted him and he fell asleep in Remus's clothes, cuddled against his finance's side.                                                                             
                                                                                         ------------at the Grocery Store--------------

Lily and Harry Potter were walking through the isles with a carrage half full of items, Lily looked to Harry "this should last us by the time we move into the new house. you want anything special?" Harry shook his head "nope. but if you don't mind if i ask why you got like 3 pounds of chocolate in the carrage?" he ask, trying not to sound intruding, Lily laughed alittle "its not for me, it's for your uncle Moony, he loves chocolate, surely he's given you some last year?" Harry thought about it "he did, he always just pulled it out of his pocket" Harry told her and she laughed "yup, in our Hogwarts days, whenever i or the other marauders were sad, he always just pulled out some chocolate and offered some. your dad and uncle Padfoot always said that he had a 'Chocolate  fetish'" Lily told him and he laughed.  The two just finished paying and apparated outside of the cottage, they both carried the bags into the house and placed them on the kitchen counter. "Harry, could you go find your Dad?, i gonna put the groceries away" Lily said and Harry nodded and went upstairs, and searched every room besides Sirius's, figuring he was still asleep. After he got enough courage to knock adn a soft 'come in' was heard and he carefully opened the door and found his dad and Remus cuddled up next to Sirius on the bed, Sirius asleep and Remus rubbing his back, loveingly, his dad was sitting against the bed's headboard, hand resting on his Godfather's head. James smiled fondly at him "hey Harry, how was it"he asked, he smiled back "it was pretty dead" Harry said, he frowned when he noticed Sirius's head bandaged "is Sirius okay?" Harry asked, worridly, Remus looked up and answered "he will be, just a bit beat up, is all" Harry nodded, Lily came up the stairs and stood at the doorway, smiling "sorry Potter, are we interupting Prongs' cuddle time with Padfoot and Moony?" she said, amusingly "actually Potter, we were waiting for Flower and Prongslette to join us!" James exclaimed and Sirius woke up with a flinch and James earned a glare from a frowning Remus, he blushed and rubbed Sirius's shoulder a bit "sorry Paddy" Lily looked at him angrily and said "James! you woke the dog up!" Harry laughed at that, Sirius sat up and looked at his Godson and smiled wide "Harry!" Harry got on the bed and hugged him for the first time. (well minus the times he was a baby) Remus smiled "are you guys going to join us? or....." James patted the bed for Lily to sit, Harry parted from his Godfather and Sirius said "you better, it's gonna be the first Moony, Padfoot, Prongs, TigerFlower and Prongslette cuddle time in what? 13 years" he yawned afterwards and laid back down, onto Remus's chest.  Harry went beside Sirius with his parents next to him, he was sandwitched between the two sets of adults and loved the feeling of it, having never done this before with any adult after he was a baby. He quickly fell asleep witha smile on his face.

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