Reunited with Padfoot

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Remus, James and Lily were sitting in the kitchen, listening silently to the pouring rain outside. Its been two days since Lily and James arrived at Lupin's and they all have been catching up since.  Remus, due to being a werewolf and having great hearing, heard a low thud coming from outside, he got up from his seat at the table and looked out the window in the living room, near the front door.
"Remus, what is it?" Lily asked, he didn't answer and opened the door, James and Lily had their wands up.  Outside on the porch was a large,  shaggy black dog who was soaked and breathing heavily. And had a puddle of blood surrounding him.  Remus gasped and gently picked the dog up, casting a protection charm around the house and going inside, shutting and locking the door behind him. He gently laid the dog on the couch, James eyes widened at the sight of him and Lily brought her hand to her face, covering her mouth. "PADFOOT!" James yelled, worridly and knelt beside the couch next to Remus, who was gently petting his head "Padfoot, can you change?" Remus asked, the dog nodded, weakly and transformed into his human form. The man was bleeding from gashes on his stomach, chest, head and thighs, he wore dirty, tattered prison clothes and was covered in dirt and grime. His hair was greasy and matted and beard uncut and had some sort of animal blood in it. The worst was his eyes, they were sunken and had dark bags under them, the grey orbs held a haunted, sad look to them.  When he spoke his voice was hoarse
"Moony" Sirius said "Merlin, Pads what happened?" Remus said "a Muggle attacked me" he nodded and James winced when he pictured his friend getting attacked this bad, he shook that image away "hey Padfoot" James smiled at him and his eyes widened and filled with unshed tears, Sirius let out a choked sob and James quickly and carefully hugged him "James" Sirius sniffles and looked up at Lily's smiling, tear stained face "Lily" She walked over to them and joined the hug.
About an hour later, Sirius was wrapped in blankets, sitting up on the couch, eating. Lily had cleaned, stiched and wrapped his wounds and rubbed bruise salve on all the bruises on his body, took the glass out of his feet and hands. Sirius yawned, and Remus got up "ready to go to bed?" Remus asked, smiling, Sirius nodded and James took his empty plate to the kitchen. Sirius went to get up but Remus stopped him and picked him up bridal style and carried him upstairs, into the bedroom and carefully laid him down, covering him in his layers of blankets again. He went to leave when Sirius grabbed his hand "stay" Remus smiled and nodded, taking off his sweater and undershirt and climbing underneath the covers next to Sirius on his back. He felt Sirius curl up to his side, head on his chest, he was looking at Remus' hand that was lying on his stomach, specifically the golden enhagement ring on his ring finger, he smiled at him and leaned over to the bedside table and took out a similar band and held it out to Sirius, who's eyes went wide, "you kept it?" He asked, suprised "of course. I never stopped loving, even when i believed it was you" Remus said, truthfully "I, Remus John Lupin want you, Sirius Orion Black to still be my husband. If you'll have me" Sirius' eyes filled with tears but he quickly blinked them away and nodded, happily and the werewolf took his hand and slid the ring onto his finger and leaning down to kiss him on the lips, Sirius quickly returned it, they parted and they cuddled up against each other, like in their teenage years, and fell asleep.

James and Lily were downstairs, relaxing, they went to go check on Remus and Sirius, since Remus didn't come down for a long while and James thought something happened. They found them cuddling while asleep and had their engagment rings on, they let them be.  A knock came to the door and the couple jumped and James got up and peeked out the peep hole on the door and smiled when he saw an exact image of himself but with Lily's green eyes.  It was Harry. He opened the door and grinned wide, he smiled back, he walked inside with his owl and trunk. Once inside, they smiled at their son "Mum. Dad" Harry said "hello, Harry" Lily said, he ran up to them and wrapped his arms around their shoulders, they quickly returned it. "Professor Dumbledor told me that you were back and told me to come here" Harry explained "is this your house?" He asked, they shool their heads "nope, it's Remus's. Were just staying here until we find a place" James answered, Harry's eyes widened "Professor Lupin's here?" James chuckled, Remus told him all about him being a teacher at Hogwarts "yes, so is your Godfather, you met him didn't you?" Lily asked, Harry smile got wider at the mention of his Godfather "i did. Last year. Where are they?" Harry said "upstairs. Sleeping, you'll see them tomorrow" Harry nodded. James and Lily showed Harry his bedroom and left him to unpack.
"You heard that Hedwig?" Harry said to his owl after unpacking "i get to love with my parents, my Godfather and my favourite Professor" she hooted happily "it's gonna be great" he laid down and went to sleep, thinking of what was to come.

Resurrected, Reunited & A New Lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن