Wow, smooth, JK. Very smooth. I've already learned that he likes dirty talk and yet I'm asking him to sleep with me in the most timid way possible. I guess I can't help it when the topic makes me nervous, especially after my failure last time. Either way it's seems to have done the trick because Seokjin blushes like crazy and hides his face in my jacket before nodding. Is that a yes? I think it's a yes! He wants to sleep with me again!

"Great! Let's hurry up and get home then!"

I wrap a thick scarf around his neck to be extra sure he won't be cold and grab his hand to take him outside. I'm so excited to get home that the first thing I do when I set foot outside is to slip on a bit of ice that's hidden under the snow and land very ungracefully on my butt. Seokjin helps me up, but he can't hold his laughter in for very long at all. He almost doubles over and slaps me on the arm because he thinks it's so funny. Typical him I guess.

"JK, you should become a comedian!" he says and wipes a stray tear away from his eye. "That was hilarious! Ah, I wish I'd have filmed it."

"You're supposed to ask if I'm alright, but OK," I say while dusting off the snow from my behind.

"Nah, you wouldn't get hurt by something like that. You even carried me home when you had twisted your ankle, and this is nothing in comparison. You're like a beast."

"Be nice, or I'll show you a real beast when we get home."

It wasn't meant as anything dirty, but I can tell Seokjin takes it as such. His mouth falls open and he seems a bit flustered. I might as well roll with it.

"'Cuz you know, by beast I mean my di-"

"And you ruined it," he says with a sigh and starts walking. "What a shame. You were doing so well too."

I curse at myself and follow him. He grabs my hand and I glance at his face to try and see if he's upset or anything, but he's smiling happily. I guess my failed dirty talk is funny at the very least.

It's snowing a lot and the weather forecast said it'll be continuing for the coming days. I can barely even see what's in front of me. Seokjin seems to be unbothered by it though.

"Will you be OK walking home alone tomorrow?" I ask, and the worry in my voice is too damn obvious.

"Yes, JK, I've told you I'll be fine. I've walked this road by myself countless times already."

"You sure? Otherwise I could skip the extra training and work tomorrow instead."

He sighs, but the smile never leaves his face. He's been smiling almost non-stop all month, and I'd like to think that it's because of me. To be fair I've been smiling all the time too. There are some nights that I can't sleep because I keep thinking about the fact that we're actually together. It feels too good to be true.

"Yes, I'm sure," he says firmly. "You still need to catch up on your training, so you have no choice but to go. You can't become the best swimmer in the world if you don't practice. I'll handle the café on my own. You don't have to worry about a thing."

I reluctantly agree and we keep walking home while chatting about anything that pops up in our heads. The closer we get to the apartment the more nervous I get. Are we actually going to have sex again? Is he still down for it? Should I ask so that I'm not just assuming things?

Just as I'm about to ask him, his phone sounds off and he takes it out of his pocket. I leave him to it, but when he suddenly stops walking I take a glance at him and see how he pales while staring at his phone. He snaps his head up and spins around as if he's looking for something, and I don't even have time to wonder what's wrong before he squeezes my hand tightly and runs with me towards the house. Once we're inside he locks the door up tight. It's as if he's seen a ghost.

"What's going on?" I ask and he can't answer right away, so he just shows me the phone.

I have a look at the screen and there's a message from a contact called Father. The message log is empty aside from the one text he received only a minute ago.

I've had enough of you bringing disgrace to our family. It's about time you stop fooling around and come back home. Know your place, omega.

"So your dad wants you to go back home, or what?"

Seokjin nods and I can tell how freaked out he is. I try to touch him in hopes of calming him down, but he quickly backs away from me.

"Jin-hyung, it's OK. He can't force you to do anything."

"You're wrong about that, JK. He can do whatever the fuck he wants. I saw one of his subordinates outside. They've been watching us. They must've told him we're together. I have no choice but to do as he wants. I might as well start packing my things right away."

He tries walking to his room, but I grab his arm to stop him. I feel a creeping pain in my heart and suddenly the strange dream I had comes to mind. Will I be able to see him again if he goes back to his family? I have a feeling the answer is no.

"Hyung, if he disowned you he has no right to tell you to come back all of a sudden. I understand that it's scary and that you're worried, but you have to stand your ground on this. Even if he's one of the most powerful men around here we can't let him tear us apart."

Seokjin keeps his eyes fixed on the floor and doesn't move a muscle. I'm not sure if he even heard what I said.

"What's the point?" he asks after a while. "If I don't do as he wants he'll just end up hurting us. I don't want to stay here if it means you'll get hurt. I'd rather have you live your life happily without me."

"The point is that I can't be happy without you."

He turns to look at me and I'll never forgive his dad for the sad look in his eyes. No one hurts my man without paying for it.

"You were happy before you met me," he says, but I firmly shake my head.

"Not as happy as I am now. I'm not letting you go anywhere, especially not without me."

"But, JK, you don't understand-"

"Yes I do understand. I'm serious about this. If you leave we'll probably never be allowed to see each other again and I can't accept that."

"Then what am I supposed to do? Even if I refuse to go back now, they'll force me to go eventually. I can't live with that looming around every corner of my life."

"I don't know yet, but I'll come up with something. For now you should just make sure to have someone with you at all times. Maybe if I stop hanging out with you in public for a while they might think we broke up?"

"JK, I don't think that's gonna work," he says, but I'm persistent.

"We don't know until we try. Ask one of the guys to walk you to work tomorrow. It'll be fine. I promise."

He lets me cup his face and thankfully he seems to have calmed down a bit.

"You promise you'll protect me?" he asks. "No matter what?"

"Of course. I'll do anything for you, my love."

He closes his eyes and leans into my touch before walking away to his room and locking the door behind him. I won't let anything happen to him. If he leaves me my heart will break, I already know that. I have to make sure I keep him safe. No matter what.

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