Sasuke answered filling him in, then quickly the adult called for the school doctor to come over.

Ogata-san found her grandson on the floor with the young Uchiha wiping away his sweat. Upon checking his temperature she called the ambulance.
"I took my meds. I did" he repeated almost in a daze.

"It's alright, Naruto-kun. Don't worry" the woman held his hand reassuringly.
Sasuke noticed how she was addressing him so casually but said nothing about the matter.

Sasuke was asked to go back to class and as much as he hated to leave his blond crush alone he had to. He kept looking back until he turned around the hallway and the blond locks of the guy he liked were out of view.

He could feel his heart beating fast. Worried as he had no idea what was wrong. He went back to class and sat down, masking his feelings under the stoic look he always gave. As soon as class was over though, he was reminded that Naruto wasn't beside him.

In the silence of the classroom, Sasuke found the doodle book of Naruto. It was just circles, words here and there. Nothing clear. He had seen him doodle before but these were by far Naruto's worst. If he were to turn the page he'd have seen some funny Chibi drawings of them both that would have been more than enough to tell him how Naruto felt.

But the Uchiha was not one to pry. So he closed it and put it in the idiot's orange backpack.
"Sasuke-kun..." Hinata approached, "is Naruto-kun going home?" She wondered as she saw the raven put it on his shoulder.

"He's in the hospital" he answered coldly. "What's between you two?"

"Ha?" She blushed immediately. "No-nothing..." Her stutter was suspicious to the dark haired teen, although it simply was due to her shyness.

"Tch, whatever"

"Naruto likes you dumbass" he heard a voice that stopped him momentarily. The voice came from the only other body that was in the classroom. A certain Nara Shikamaru.

He chose to say nothing as he left. What could he have said anyway.
Sasuke called Naruto since his texts were not returned.
"Usuratonkachi" He said almost immediately "drop the hospital name in a text"


"Kushina-san" he bit his lip nervous about how informal he was towards her son "I'm sorry"

"What for? If it weren't for you he'd still be in class insisting he is okay." She small smiled "he is asleep. I'll send you the hospital name okay? But don't skip class" she threatened with a smile on her face.

He gulped knowing well how dangerous the woman is.
"H-ha-hai!!" He blurted out loud and bowed as if she could see him. She hung up on him and soon he saw a text.

He went back to his classes and finished off. The sentence Nara said replayed over and over in his head. 'Did Naruto really like me that way? Is it obvious I like him back? If Shikamaru picked it up...then it must have been.'

The moment the bell sounded, Sasuke was out the door. The car awaited to pick him up as usual. If Naruto was there, he'd have turned it down in favor of walking with him.

Just as that thought presented itself a text from the aforementioned blond.
"Hey Teme, I'm home." The text was short but he smiled and told his driver where to go.

Sasuke walked in after Kushina opened the door. He removed his shoes at the door and tried to hide his excitement to see his friend. He saw the blaring yellow locks of said person and went to the living room.

The teen sat on the couch in a crisscross. Sasuke noticed he had a needle on the dorsal side of his hand.
"So what did they find out?"

"My antidepressants fucked up my immune system so that's why the meds didn't work. They're giving me IV antibiotics for a week or so before switching me to just the pills. Yay!" He said in a fake excited tone and chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

Broken (SasuNaru / NaruSasu)Where stories live. Discover now