Job 2

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        This chapter is dedicated to
     Thanks for the great comments. It meant a lot..So,let's take off🛫

"Wait,what!you even know my name?",Martha screeched,her eye balls almost rolling out of their sockets

    "Ehrm..Why don't we focus on the main thing?" He replied, feeling tensed already

    "Okay,so,my brother lives in Lagos,I also do. They need a help since I already moved into my apartment.  I've been trying to figure out who could fit in and that's the main reason I came to see my aunt. I saw you the other day and I concluded. They would absolutely love someone like you"....
    " A maid?",she asked,menacingly
     "Not exactly, I meant..."
     "Listen to me,mister...."
      "It's  Timilehin"
        "Yeah,whatever, with all due respect, I'm not a maid,I'm not going to be one. So,I am not interested. Do you mind if I leave now?",she replied,reaching out for the door
       "Listen,Martha,I made my findings, I know you are going to stop school very soon because of financial incapabilities on your parents' part. This job offer may not seem pleasant to you but it allows you opportunity to a sound education in good schools,  monthly stipends that you can help your parents with and holidays where you can visit your parents", he replied ,wiping the sweat that was beginning to form on his forehead
       "You don't need to reply right away,you can think about it,and of course,discuss with your parents. I'll see them in due time" ,he spoke again,feeling less tensed
        "Th-Thank y-you sir"
      "Here's my card,call me whenever you get the consent of your parents", he replied..

     Dinner was better,as the extra cash from the wares Martha allegedly sold,came in handy. However, it was eaten with silence, tension took the fourth seat on the table.
      As soon as the plates were cleared,her father cleared his throat, a usual habit of his and an action that usually preceded his speech
        "Martha, what is this I hear about you wanting to be a slave in a place where God has deserted?"
    Of course,she had discussed it with mum as soon as she returned. Such issues could not be spoken directly to her father and therefore a convener was necessary
      "It's not necessarily a slave,sir. At least,the privileges don't say so. Besides,I would be able to go to school and visit home", she replied,.. She knew that beyond what her mum could do, was her,facing her fears and trying to do as much conviction as possible.
          " Glorified slavery ",he replied,deep lines beginning to form on his eyebrows.
      He picked up his snuff box and began to prepare the tobacco for the night's "ceremony". Another of his habit
     As soon as he sniffed,he cleared his throat again as he spoke

    " Listen to me,my child,nothing good comes free of charge. How many children do I have that my only child will be offered as a sacrifice to appease some miserly gods? I have lived 55 years of my life,and I have seen a lot. Nobody loves anybody, nobody cares for anybody. It's a world where you are on your own. So,be with us,I want to watch you grow,you are not more than one. If it means that I have to double my efforts to raise money for you to  go to school again,I'll gladly do. But you are not going to that Godforsaken state to be offered as a sacrifice "
     Tears had begun to well in Martha's eyes,and for a moment,it seemed like the room was completely void,before she broke the silence

         "Father,I'm very  much aware of the fact that you and mum's effort. You said good things don't come free,but sometimes, luck smiles our way,especially when we purposefully attract it in one way or the other. You can affirm the house I'm going to be working at and you are not selling me dad. You will only be making sure your dreams come true,that I go to school and become educated"

       "My husband, she is right,we can give this a trial,we will meet the couple in question and ascertain that it is not a plot. We cannot afford the fees anymore and this will just be a perfect opportunity, please my husband, ejoor, let this girl go", Martha's mum said,gesturing the appeasement sign with her hand

      He let out a loud sigh,and continued sniffing. One could swear that he heard nothing until he cleared his throat and finally spoke again

        " I thank God for giving me such a sensible child,one of which is better than ten foolish sons".Clearing his throat again, he continued

        "One could only be sure of words spoken in the morning by a man. He is not drunk and his thoughts are gathered. The day is old. Let me sleep over this",he replied,packing his snuff  box

     The light from the kerosene lamp had begun to grow dim,he stared at it for a long time and shook his head sadly.

      Rising up from his chair,he groped in the darkness,his shadow, becoming fainter with each growing step.

       " Mum..."
       "Shhhh,he will speak about it tomorrow. Worry less,go and sleep, tomorrow is not far"

         And with that,the light was put out and far into the night,the noise of the creaking bed of a girl who could not sleep was heard...

I updated!.. I'm sorry it's been a while and trust me,I missed you all. Thanks for sticking with the story.
Today's a close friend's birthday..So,friend, happy birthday once again🎂❤
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"It's okay to make mistakes. In fact, you should. Making mistakes is how you learn to do it right. Getting a good result isn't the only thing. What matters is that you play your best during the game."--Concept.
       So,till next time,it wouldn't be long,I promise..
Love y'all💟

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