chapter five

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Ben huffed as he hung up the phone before looking back at everyone else. " They talkin' bout they don't deliver so we gotta go get it. "

" What made you think a wing place deliver anyway? " Kd asked furrowing his eyebrows together with a slight mug.

" I don't wanna go. " Naomi spoke up before the two could start arguing.

" One of y'all can stay with her? " Ben asked looking at the three other males in the room. Kd had already gotten up and put his shoes back on so Ben mentally dismissed him.

" Y'all go. I'll stay. " Kentrell said from the corner. Ben looked at Kd who looked at Three before finally they all looked at Naomi. She kept a neutral expression as she flipped through her home page of YouTube on her tv.

" Uh ight' "

As they walked out Naomi had finally settled on watching Kendel Rae, one of her favorite YouTubers. She was known for doing all types of true crime videos, something Naomi took an odd interest in.

It silence for about ten minutes as they both watched the video. Before long, Kentrel noticed he was really doing something he usually never did.

Chilling with a girl without having relations? Definitely wasn't like him. Especially doing something that she wanted to do.

" Why you watching this shit? " Kentrell asked looking towards the bed where Naomi laid.

" I like stuff like this. " Naomi stated catching his gaze. " You mind passing me some shorts out that draw? " She asked pointing towards the dresser near Kentrell.

He nodded standing to his feet and going towards the dresser. After grabbing them he closed it back before walking towards the bed.

Tossing them to her, she caught them and he laid across the end of her bed.

" Where you think she went? " He asked genuinely invested at this point.

Naomi slid her shorts on under the cover before responding to him. " I think her husband killed her. "

" Why though? "

" Why would her and her kids just up and leave? "

" True. "

Building up a little more courage Naomi went against being a lowdown person.

" Um Kentrell? " She spoke softly. What a better time to attempt to help him than now? The two were alone and she really didn't see herself being alone with him again any time soon.

" Hm? "

" Can I tell you something that you might no believe? " Turning on his side, Kentrell gave her us undivided attention and nodded.

" I can see ghost, spirits, anything that isn't living. "

Partially convinced Kentrell sat up more. " That's why shit be going on? "

" Yeah but that's just Kassidy playing with y'all. "

He kissed his teeth smiling a bit thinking about his old friend. Kentrell and Kassidy had a friendship similar to Kd and Naomi. You would think since he was friends with her bestfriend that he would have been a bit of nice to her.

Even back then he just always found her weird.

He caught her sitting on the bench just talking to what seemed to be herself from his point of view. That day Kassidy went to the park to watch her boyfriend and the guys play basketball.

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