Chapter Twenty

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Claire's P.O.V.

I don't know why I said Kumura was mine, but it felt good saying it.  The look on Britney's face was well worth it.  As was the look of satisfaction on Kumura's face.

"Since when can you talk?!" Britney screeched.

"I've always been able to, I just chose not to.  Now shoo, my friends and I have a date with some candy," I said with a dismissive wave.

We walked past her and her friends toward the residential houses.  Kumura stuck to my side like glue while Senri and Yuki walked closely together.

"That was hot," Kumura said once we were a little ways away from the bitch from hell.

"Thanks?" I said, though it came out more as a question.

"Did you mean what you said?  About me being your guy?" Kumura asked, his eyes begging that I tell him yes.

I blushed and nodded my head, "Yes, I meant it.  Don't ask why I said it, but yes."

"Well, Claire Mistlands, you are mine, just like I, Kumura Sakamaki, am yours," he said, kissing my cheek.

     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

The night passed with all of us walking, talking, and laughing about random things.  Kumura was the victim of many pranks pulled by the candy givers.  One house had an archway set up at the edge of the property.  When Kumura was about to go through it, a guy dropped down, hanging from his ankles, and started screaming.  What freaked us out the most was his face was made to look like it was covered in blood.The guy's screams turned into laughs after he saw Kumura's face.  It was certainly one to remember.

We were out out from six o'clock until around eleven.  We started walking back to the cars when all the porch lights went out.  When we reached the park, the town sirens went off, signaling the end of the trick-or-treating event.

"We'll catch up with you guys later, I want to talk to Claire for a few minutes," Kumura said to Senri and Yuki.

"'K, we'll see you guys later," Yuki said, getting into the car with Senri.

Kumura grabbed my hand and we started walking towards the small stream that ran through the park.  He sat down on one of the benches near the water and patted the spot next to him.  He looked really nervous about whatever he wanted to talk about, his usual confident self gone.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, suddenly feeling nervous myself.

"I don't know how to say this without freaking you out.  I mean, we've only known each other for about two months," he said with a sad sigh.

"I think I have an idea of what you want to say, so just say it.  I promise I won't laugh at you," I encouraged, giving his hand a light squeeze.

"I like you, a lot.  So much so that I love you.  You probably think I'm just playing you, that I only want to fuck you then just split.  But I don't, I love you, Claire." 

The honesty in his voice made my heart throb.  He loved me, He could have any girl he wanted and he wants me.  I can't say that I love yet, but I definitely like him a lot.

"I can't say I love you yet, but I think I'll be able to in the future.  But I can say this, I like you, Kumura, a lot."

The relieved smile on his lips made my legs feel like jelly.  I nervously bit my lip and looked down. 

Feeling his intense gaze on me, I looked up, "Don't do that," he said, stroking my cheek.

"Do what?" I asked, completely confused as to what I had done.

"You always bite your lip and look away to hide your face.  Don't ever hide your face from me.  As for you biting your lip, it makes me want to kiss you," he said, his loving gaze making me feel heat rise to my face.

"When will you tell me why I feel those sparks whenever I touch you?" I asked, trying to direct the focus off me.

"I'll tell you later," Kumura whispered, his face slowly getting closer to mine.

Instinctively, I leaned my head towards his in response.  His lips met mine with a slight brush at first, like he expected me to turn away.  When he was about to pull away, I leaned into him, pressing my lips against his.  Within a second or two he was responding, running his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for entrance.  Enterance which I welcomed.

The kiss was slow and sweet.  Unlike the one I had insinuated while in the in the classroom yesterday.  This kiss has so much emotion put into it that it made me want to cry and to smile at the same time.

We pulled away, both of us breathless.  Something in me felt like a light switch turning on.  I felt a flood of emotions: love, happiness, lust, and fear.  The same emotions were swimming in Kumura's eyes, telling me that the emotions I felt were his and not my own.

"What are you afraid of?" I asked quietly, gently stroking his cheek.

He leaned into my touch, "I'm afraid that you'll reject me.  That you'll leave me for someone else.  That you'll hate..." 

I pressed my lips to his, silencing his words, "I'll never leave you.  You're the first guy to ever look at me and see past a mute girl.  You're also the first person to ever believe me, about seeing ghosts and demons.  I don't want to leave you.  I feel so many emotions swirling inside me, most of them yours," I confessed, staring into his beautiful gray eyes.

"You said that you feel my emotions?" he asked.


"I also feel yours.  It's part of a bond that we share.  I don't quite know how to explain it, but, we're bonded."  The serious look on his face was what kept me from laughing.

"Why are we bonded?" I asked, trying to understand.

"I'm sure you've heard of soul mates.  Well, we're soul mates.  You feel the sparks when we touch.  You can also feel my emotions, just like I feel yours.  It's part of the bond," he explained, grabbing my hands and holding them to his chest, his eyes begging that I believe him.

"Okay...I believe you so far.  I know there's something that you're not telling me," I prodded, wanting to know what he was hiding.

"Yes, there are things that I'm not telling you, and for good reason.  I'll tell you eventually, when I feel it's the right time.  But for now, I want you to trust me."

"Is it because of this bond thing that you love me?"  I asked, feeling my heart break.

"No.  I didn't know you were my mate until I heard your voice.  I started to fall for you long before I heard your voice.  The bond just allows us to be connected to each other,"  his voice was pleading, like he was scared that I would turn him away.

"Are Yuki and Senri mates?" I asked.

"Yes."  I could feel his desperation.  I could see the panic in his eyes.

I remained silent for a moment, thinking about all of what he said.  I smiled and reached up to wrap my arms around his neck, "I already told you, I won't leave." 

He smiled like a little boy on Christmas and kissed me.  All of his emotions were in his kiss.  All his fears finally put to rest.  I sighed in sheer delight when he deepened the kiss.


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