Chapter Thirty One

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Claire's P.O.V.

That voice.  I would recognize that voice anywhere.  It was a voice that I had not heard in over twelve years.

"Billy?" My voice was a weak, shaky whisper.

The creature in front of me was not the Billy I knew.  The Billy I knew was a tall, skinny, pale boy with dirty blonde hair and deep blue eyes.  The thing in front of us was not Billy, it was a demon.  Once a ghost became a demon, there was no way to regain their humanity.

"No, no you're not Billy.  The Billy I knew would never kill innocent people or try to kill me.  The Billy I knew wanted to protect me and keep me safe.  You may have been Billy at one point, but now you are nothing more than a soulless demon," I spat.

The demon looked taken back by what I'd said.  Its bottomless black eyes widened and then narrowed at me, "To think I ever wanted to protect a spiteful child like you makes me want to know just what I was thinking when I was a ghost."

"Well, isn't this little reunion heartwarming?" came Rebecca's false, sweet voice.

"Get out of my house, you whore!" Kumura shouted.  He stood up and walked to my side.

"Aunt Rebecca, what a pleasant surprise.  Why did you tell this demon to kill me twelve years ago?" I asked with confidence I didn't know I had.

"You and your mother are the reason I don't have Lucifer ruling by my side."  Rebecca walked over to the demon, "Don't fail me this time," she said to him.  She turned toward me, "I'm going to make you suffer like you've made me suffer.  You are going to watch your loved one die."  Without saying another word she disappeared in a cloud of shimmering gold dust. 

"Lucifer, go after Rebecca, find your brothers and have them bring her before your creator,"  Kumur ordered.

"Alright, be careful."  In a puff of smoke, my father disappeared.

The demon began to walk towards Kumura, who had protectively stepped in front of me.  It smiled right before it slashed at Kumura with its razor-like claws.  Kumura quickly dodged the attack but didn't see the next one.

"Do something!" a voice in my head hissed.

"Who are you?" I asked.  How many times am I going to hear voices in my head?

"Simply put, your inner demon and other half.  Use my power and do something.  We can't let Kumura die."  The desperation in her voice snapped me out of my daze.

I refocused my gaze to see the demon on top of Kumura on the ground.  He was dragging his claws down Kumura's chest.  Kumura, in return, let out a pained hiss.  He tried to buck the demon off of him but failed.  It was like he was held down by some invisible force.

The demon pulled his arm back and then, with unrealistic speed, plunged his arm forward and into Kumura's chest.

"Let me take control!" My demon ordered, "Relax your body and let me out!"

I did as I was told and felt her take control.  I could see everything that was happening but I had no control.  I watched as she threw the demon, who I had once considered my friend, away from Kumura.

¤¤¤Kumura's P.O.V.¤¤¤

I saw Billy thrown off of me.  I looked up to see Claire with pitch black eyes, staring at me.  Before I could speak, she turned to Billy.

"You dare touch our mate?" she spoke in a dark voice.  This dark voice wasn't hers but it called to my inner beast, my inner demon.

Our?  What did she mean by our?  Unless it wasn't Claire but something controlling her body.

She pulled her shoulders forward and then threw them back.  When she threw them back wings ripped through her shirt.  One was an angel's wing, the other was a demon's wing.

She slowly stalked toward the demon on the ground.  Billy tried to get away but Claire stopped him.  She reached her hand toward Billy and raised it, causing him to elevate. 

"Please, my lord, have mercy," it sputtered.

"Like you had mercy on that woman years ago or on My mate just now?"  Her voice held so much venom as she spoke.

Slowly, she made a squeezing gesture with her hand and Billy began to thrash around like a worm on a hook.  His entire body was crushed.  He fell to the floor looking like a crumpled beer can.

Claire turned towards me and smiled.  She walked to me and crouched down next to me.  She gently caressed my cheek, "I'm sorry you had to see that, my love."

"Who are you?" I asked, straining to breathe.

"I'm Claire's demon.  I love you as much as Claire does.  However, it is your demon that calls to me, not your human side," she pulled her hand back and bit her wrist, "Drink, you need to heal," she said, pressing her bloody arm to my lips.

I drank what I could before leaning my head back.  Her blood would save me, let me heal fast enough, but I still felt weak.  The last thing I remembered before blacking out, was Claire's eyes going back to their original color.


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