Comin' Straight from the Underground

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*A/N Major Tom you fat fuck, ANSWER US GODDAMNIT*
*If you get the reference, hellz yeh*

"Hey! Hey, um...trickster guy!" Dean yelled as he jogged over to the exuberant kid. He was greeted with a dorky smile and golden eyes. You could quite easily compare Gabriel to an exotic bird. The description fit him nicely especially when you took in the baggy white t-shirt with a clown on it, white skinny jeans that looked like they had strips of dull blue, red, green, yellow and brown paint decorating them along with red laced leather boots and fingerless red leather gloves.

"Yeah? You new here?"

"Yeah. Um...about the neon pink painted guy with confetti. Wha-"

Gabriel cut him off with a slight chuckle. "That bastard kept...pestering my sister, Anna, who wanted nothing to do with him and then he got handsy so someone had to intervene and if I hadn't done anything, my brother would've when he found out and trust me. His ways are a little more...violent. Aggressive. He's probably still going to anyway though, but ya know what?" He queried casually. "Whatevs."

"Cool." Dean answered looking a little impressed.

"Yep. Hey, you were sitting with them earlier today, weren't you. Those SOB's."

He suddenly felt rather self conscious. "Well...I mean..."

"Do yourself a favor, greenie. Leave 'em." Gabriel clapped his hands into prayer formation, bowed, and left the scene.

"Wait, what the hell is a greenie!?" Dean yelled as he left.

"A new kid," the much shorter yelled back. "It's a book reference! You can sit with us tomorrow too!"



"Hey, Dad." Dean addressed the hump at the table, surrounded by bottles of beer. He didn't get an answer back and he wasn't expecting to.

"Did you make any new friends?" He asked in a mock dad voice. "Why yes, I did. I look like an ordinary highschool student."

"That's great son! I'm proud of you. And did you pay attention in class?" "I tried my best, dad." "And that's what matters." Dean sighed, sitting down on his hard musty bed. It squeaked and squawked loudly as it shifted with his weight.

"Just one more month," He muttered under his breath. Just one more month before he could be with his mom again. Before he could see Sam and Bobby and Ellen and Jo. Before he could destroy his brother at Mario kart. Before his uncle could teach him more about how to fix an old Bentley or some type of car like that. Before he could just hang out at his Aunt and cousin's Roadhouse. Dean couldn't wait.


"Wait what?"

"He's sittin' with us today." Gabriel answered as he watched Cas put his piercings in. Why he waited this long before they left to do it, they didn't know but it sure as hell was annoying.


"Because he knows what's good for him. Do you not like this decision?"

"I mean, it's fine... but wasn't he with the assholes that were apart of the whole 'scandal'," Cas asked, using finger quotes on 'scandal'.

"Yeah, but he knows what they are. That's why I said he knows what's goo-"

"Right, right, whatever. That's fine." He shrugged nonchalantly. "As long as he's cool about it."

"You know, he looks kinda like your type."

"My type?"

"Yeah," Gabriel answered with a mischievous smile. "Maybe you two could get it o-"

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