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*A/N Wassup fuckers!*

"Cas! Castiel we got a new kid!" Charlie was an excited type of person. Her shoulder-length curly vivid red hair bobbed up and down as she hopped like a giddy rabbit. 

"Yeah yeah, I saw."


Castiel turned and dug his sharp blue eyes into charlie's bright green ones. He ran a hand through his wild dark brown hair as he sighed exasperatedly.


"No what?"

"We don't need another...dipshit in the group. You know how Gadreel was."

The redhead crossed her arms poutedly. "You don't know him. He could be nice! He could be the next chapter in our figurative book."

"First off, you said that about the last guy and he was a bitch, and second, if we are using this analogy, he could also be the conclusion." He said matter-o-factly.

"Oh fuck you!"

"It's just a waste of time. Why bother when you can live your life as normal?"

Charlie rolled her eyes at his pessimistic view. "So we can have something new, Cas, we talked about this!"

"That's right, we did, and do you remember what I said last time?" he heard her groans of annoyance that he took as defeat.

It wasn't the 'loner' vibe that the new kid gave off with the dirty leather jacket and all that that made Cas not trust him. And he didn't not trust him. He just didn't care enough to bother talking to him. He didn't like people per se, opposite of charlie as you can tell. And even so, who was he to judge on looks. He had the whole 'bad boy' act with a holed up band t-shirt, multiple piercings on his ears and one on his eyebrow and tongue, worn out army boots, threadbare jeans, and an unzipped double-rider jacket down and he was a total dork inside. Really, he should just leave it for everybody else to decide on. They usually did, regardless of what he thought.

"You would have no friends if it wasn't for us."

"I'm not saying I don't need you guys, you all have made my life a million times better but I did survive fourteen years of my life with no friends. It'd suck but again, I'd survive."

"God, your such a party pooper. I'm gonna go whine to your brother about what a party pooper you are."

"Which one?" Cas asked alert and looking around. He couldn't trust them with his life. Couldn't and wouldn't if he knew what was good for him. Then he saw the confetti. It burst out from around the corner from where they sat in the cafeteria and was followed by a monstrous scream of "TRICKSTER!"


Dean walked into the cafeteria, followed and following a few of the jockish 'If I ask you out, no isn't an answer' type. Dean never really paid attention to them. He just needed somewhere he could blend in with.

"And that's Nancy." He heard as he reentered reality. "She's a total cunt but her mouth, that shit's magic." they all laughed goonishly and Dean had to ignore any anger he felt. Maybe he should go with some other group. These guys really were at the bottom of the ethic scale. He was suddenly yanked out of his thought process as a yell rang out from behind a corner.

"Trickster!" Came the booming voice. Followed by a string of cuss words.

"Not again." The big scowling guy that he found out was named Aaron grumbled.

"Again? What the hell is going on?"

"So there's this kid." This guy with spiked blonde hair that Dean forgot the name of started. "We call him the trickster 'cause he pranks people. Tricks 'em." The others nodded along looking into the distance as if remembering a great and bloody battle.

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