A hunter never hunts alone

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Third POV

In the adventure's guild many adventure were gossiping about a new face that had arrived. They talked about how much of a "Hots stuff" she is.

Adventure: Over there at the counter.

An adventure pointed out at the receptionist desk that the Receptionist Girl is talking to someone. But seemed like they're having some complication.

Receptionist: Sorry, Orc... did you mean "Oak?"

High Elf: No! Orcbolg! I've heard he's at this guild. She says as she smash her hands on the desk.

Receptionist: Orcbolg.. just a moment please I'll check.

Then out of the blue a dwarf appeared behind the High Elf.

Dwarf: Ahh, y'need'n bother! we're in human lands long ears! they don't understand your funky talk! but surly you know "Beard Cutter!" He said proudly.

But the Receptionist seems more confused now.

Receptionist: Sorry, that name's not familiar..

Dwarf: It isn't!? He said surprise.

High Elf: Who's talking now huh? so much for dwarfs! She said as she mock to her comrade.

High Elf: Stubborn as rocks and so sure they're always right!

Dwarf: What was that!?(ding) Ha! what do you know about the world? with a heart as small as your chest is flat!

High Elf: What!? That's nothing to do with anything! you dirty old man!

Dwarf: Heh! me? what would I want with an anvil?

High Elf: Oh yeah!? all your women are barrel-shaped!

Receptionist: Excuse me.. lets all get along..

Dwarf: You mean they're voluptuous!

As the Receptionist tries to clam the two of them a another one of there comrades came in and he was a Lizardman.

Lizardman: Pardon me you two, but if you must fight, do it where I can't see you?(Leans down to Receptionist) I apologies for the ruckus my companions have cause.

Receptionist: Oh, n-not at all I'm used to it..

But in closer inspection this party was an odd one. A High Elf, Dwarf, and a Lizardman. Seems like they were all in the same Rank-Silver ranked.

Lizardman: We seek one know by the names "Orcbolg" and "Beard-Cutter." Lamentable I lack facility in the tongues of men, but.. ahem... Goblin..

All of a sudden the High Elf and Dwarf then noticed someone up from behind them.

High(mind): Who's this person?

Dwarf(mind): Oh-Ho! he looks quite..

Lizardman: Yes, he's called Goblin Slayer!

After a moment of the Lizardman trying to find the words, but someone cuts in.

Slayer: Did you say goblins? where?

Receptionist: Goblin Slayer! 

High Elf: Huh!?

To her surprise the person that cut in front of her also her companion is the person that they were looking for.. Orcbolg. As that happen you and Priestess walked up behind Slayer.

Priestess: We're back..

Ariah: The beasts have been dealt with.

The three looked behind them and were surprise at who they saw. A woman standing at 6 feet, wearing some kind of uniform that's unfamiliar to them. They also see the weapons she's holding  one was a westerner projectile weapon that some of the nobles would use very rare, the second is a mid huge great sword that has bandages on the mid piece of the blade also seems old and finally a sword that has a old blade design it was curved at the top.

Bloodborne(Female) x Goblin slayerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant