Knowledge and Forgiveness

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January 1, 1559

Her mind still racing from the night before, Queen Mary woke up with the sunrise, unable to continue sleeping. She was worried for Lady Mary and her task as a spy. Not to mention she felt extremely guilty for even putting her cousin in that situation. However, the crown came with a cost, she had already learned that lesson many times from her mother-in-law. Sometimes, to be a Queen, you have to make decisions that make your stomach churn. Mary's solution to this uneasiness was simple. She was going to throw herself in to her work. There were still many final details of the coronation that needed to be settled, and Catherine Grey had offered to help Mary with the final details. As they looked over the preparations Catherine said," Your majesty may I ask you something?"

Mary smiled as she turned to her cousin, "Why of course." Mary tried to act as if all was normal, but he was nervous for Lady Mary Grey and she had been feeling this weird sensation which she feared was a sickness. Throwing herself in to her work did not completely distract Mary, especially since she was working so closely with Catherine, who had no idea what Mary had asked her younger sister to do.

"Do you have marriages planned for us, or do we find our own suitors?" Catherine asked. She knew as being in line for the throne she needed to ask the queen about a marriage. And though Queen Mary had a closer cousin who is ahead of Catherine in line for the throne, it was believed, if Mary died childless, Catherine would be named the heir to the English throne, with Mary Grey behind her. This meant, legally, that the Grey sisters would need to as permission before marrying anyone.

"What an odd question my lady," Mary said hiding a smiled," This would not have anything to do with the Earl of Hertford would it?" Anyone who saw the two of them together could see the attraction between them. Even Mary, who had only seen them for a few moments the day before noticed the lingering stares and the blushing, from both of them. Not to mention, their short walk the day before lasted much longer than anticipated. Something was there, and all of court could already tell.

Catherine blushed, "No, well sort of. He just said I should consider him as a suitor, and it made me wonder." Catherine was doing a horrible job at hiding how she truly felt. At the end of the day, it was just a crush, as of right now, maybe it could be more, but Catherine had never even had a crush on another man before. After the incident with Jane, the Grey sisters and their whole family became recluses, hardly talking to anyone from the outside world. No man had ever given Catherine attention, and she never wanted it, until now.

Mary smiled at her cousin," I have no doubt His Grace is a good man, but don't accept the first proposal you receive." Men can be flighty, that much Mary knew for sure. Just look at what a man's impulses did to all of England. A civil war still loomed over their heads because of Henry VIII's easily swayed heart and mind. She would support Catherine, no matter what, but she also wanted to protect her.

Catherine nodded, knowing that Mary's advice rang true. After all, Catherine was the most eligible woman in England, perhaps even Western Europe, certainly many men would try to win her hand. "Yes I know your majesty, but he is so sweet, I think I will consider marrying him," she confessed. Catherine would never rush in to anything, but she had to admit, something about the Earl was appealing, and he was loyal to Mary.

"If you truly love him and wish to marry him I will accept it," Mary replied, wanting her cousins to be happy, just as she was with Francis. "But I suggest you wait to be sure."

Catherine nodded," Of course your majesty. On an unrelated note, where is my sister? Shouldn't she be here?" Certainly the second in line for the throne should also help with the final preparations of the coronation. Besides, Catherine wanted to keep an eye on her sister. She was young, and naive, despite being intelligent, and she worried that Lady Elizabeth could easily manipulate her. Catherine could not bear to lose another sister, though she suspected Queen Mary would try her hardest to make sure that did not happen either.

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