I Love You

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As the carriage moved across the French countryside, Mary found it difficult to relax. Usually she would get lost in admiring the countryside, but today was different. Today Mary felt almost as if she were a new person. Her whole life she was Mary Queen of Scots, now now she was Mary Queen of England as well. The idea haunted her, because she knew that securing her right to the English throne would not be easy. Not only did she have to compete with Elizabeth's strong claim to the throne, but she also had other cousins to worry about. The Grey sisters, who have previously reached for the crown, Margaret Clifford, and even Mary's own half aunt, Lady Lennox all had legitimate claims to the throne. Of course, by the normal rules of succession, Mary does have the strongest claim, but due to Henry's complete disregard of these rules in his will, many people in England thought Mary had absolutely no claim at all. It was all to much for Mary to handle, after all, she was just a teenager.

Mary's time to feel sorry for herself was over as the carriage came to a stop and the door swung open. She took a deep breathe before taking the guard's hand and stepping out, to the sound of music. She then dusted off her black gown and made her way to the party that was waiting to greet her. She was greeted by the French royal family, at least the ones that were at court. That included the King, the Queen, Mary's husband Francis, and his siblings Elisabeth and Charles. She tried to smile as she approached them, but in honesty she still felt like an outsider in this family, and her father-in-law horrified her.

"Mary, my dearest daughter-in-law, why are you wearing the colors of mourning? This is a celebration!" He explained to her in his usual loud and boisterous tone. "That English bat is dead, and you are now their Queen. You have gotten us England. Our plans have finally been realized."

It was true, Mary was in all black and her only jewelry was a ruby necklace, to symbolize England. "That bat was my cousin and predecessor, it would be best for me to honor her. She kept Catholicism alive in England, and if it were not for her, I would not have been given such a grand opportunity to take the throne. She is a human being, and my cousin, so I will mourn her death."

Then, Mary's mother-in-law, Catherine, trying to simmer down the conflict nodded, "Of course, and you have had a long journey. It is, perhaps you and Francis should retire for the night. The real work begins soon and you will need all of your energy."

Without really giving Mary a chance to respond, Francis nodded and took her arm to lead her away. Mary knew Francis was trying to protect her from further arguing with the king. The French king was hot headed and rude, needless to say he and Mary did not get along, especially as Mary grew more and more independently minded every day. Once back in the privacy of their own room Francis sighed, "Sorry about him, he is just excited that he can finally have England."

Mary smiled at her husband, always so worried for her, she was lucky that she got to marry him. "No need to apologize, I know how your father is, which is why he will never have England. I will do all in my power to protect my people from his tyranny. Now that I am the Queen of two nations, I would say I probably outrank your father."

Francis chuckled at the thought and smiled a bit, "Yes I think you are right, but do not let him know that." He then stood up and wrapped his arms around Mary, because he could tell she was worried. "Something else is bothering you, something more than my family. What is it?"

"Its nothing," she said but her voice hitched, she could not lie about this, not to him. Her eyes began to well up and she buried her face into his shoulder. This was all to much for her. She did not know if she would ever be able to face the battle ahead of her, but there was something even more upsetting that bothered her.

"I know you this is alot, but you have the power of France and Scotland at your side, each ready to crush anyone who opposes your rule, I promise you that you will be Queen of England you will be kept safe," Francis assured her, pressing his sobbing wife tight against.

"Its not just that," Mary weeped as she pulled away to look at Francis, the husband she loved so much. "I was there, when she died. I watched her take her last breathe. Before passing she spoke of her time as Queen, about killing her cousin, imprisoning her sister. She may have died a queen, but Francis, she died alone. She did not call me to her side because she wanted to talk to me. She summoned me because, even though she and I had never even met, I was the only family member that would go to her. She did not want to die alone, and I do not either."

"Mary, you will not die alone, you have me, one day we will have our kids, and our grandkids," Francis said with a small smile, hoping that the thought of their future family could bring a smile to his wife's face. "Not to mention your brother, your mother, and even my siblings all adore you, not to mention my mother is coming around. You have a family, probably more than you even know what to do with."

Mary smiled at the thought and wiped away her tears, "You are right, I do have all of you, but Francis, I fear of a war, a war with Elizabeth, or the Grey sisters or Lady Lennox, a war for the English crown, and if it comes down to it, I do not think I can do it. I do not think I can kill a member of my own family."

Francis nodded and hugged his wife tightly, "We must pray it never comes to that. Perhaps you are being to worrisome, we do not even know if Elizabeth wants the crown, perhaps the people of England, including your cousins, will welcome you openly. Mary, you are strong, and you can get through whatever obstacles are in front of you, and I will be by your side through the entire thing."

Mary smiled and kissed her husband deeply, feeling the same fireworks that she felt when they first kissed. She was lucky to have been able to marry someone she loved. That was a fortune that not many people in her position got. She knew that together, they would both start a beautiful family and begin a powerful dynasty. "You are right," she said and kissed her again, "Francis, no matter what happens in the future, know that I love you. I see a bright future for us, and I cannot wait to have a son with your golden blonde hair."

Francis smiled and pulled his wife to the bed, "And a daughter with your beautiful smile, and regal attitude," he said grinning before he kissed his wife deeply.

"Regal attitude? I feel like your insulting me," she giggled as Francis pulled her closer.

"How is it an insult when I love it? I love everything about you, Mary Stuart-Valois, I love you," He replied with a smile and kissed her again deeply.

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