Long Live Mary Tudor

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The carriage slowly made its way through the town, to the palace at the end of the road. Normally a visiting monarch was cause for celebration and pompous parades, but not today. Subtlety was the necessity for today's visit because the young Mary, Queen of Scots, was visiting in secret. In honesty, the reason for this meeting was unknown to everyone, including the Scottish Queen. All she knew was that Mary Tudor, the Queen of England, had called her to come to England secretly. The teenage Queen could only assume that this had something to do with the ongoing conflict between Scotland and England. The two nations had been at war since the beginning of time due to England's hunger to control the entirety of the British Isles. This conflict had caused the tremendously unusual childhood Mary had experienced. She had grown up in a nunnery in France, so she would be safe from the English. Even being here in England frightened Mary. Her father-in-law, King Henri II of France, had warned her that this was a trap, but Mary needed to take that chance. If this meeting was really about peace, it was worth the risk.

Mary slowly felt the carriage stop and the door open. She knew now was the time, whatever was in store for her here, it was time she faced it. Rumors of the English Queen had spread across Europe, and Mary had heard just about every rumor. The English Queen had been described as a blood thirsty old hag, who, on top of killing hundred of Protestants, had also killed her own cousin, Jane Grey. The Queen of Scots knew that rumors could not always be trusted, but sometimes, where there is smoke, there is fire. Mary gently took the guard's hand and stepped out the carriage, where a servant was holding an umbrella over her to shield her from the rain. England was just as Mary had heard, dark, gloomy, and raining. This made her wonder what other rumors about this country might be true.

She gently straightened her blue gown, worn to represent Scotland, but also France, where Mary would also one day be Queen. A young woman greeted Mary at the palace door, which was unusual, usually a monarch would greet another monarch. However, Mary was not in the position to debate about protocol, so she merely politely greeted this woman, and followed her inside. Not much was being said as Mary was being led through the halls of the vast palace. All that could be heard were the footsteps of her and the woman leading her. This made the young queen uneasy, this was not typical for a royal court, which made Mary fear that her father-in-law was right and that this was a trap.

Eventually, Mary and her guide stopped in front of a door, to what seemed like a bedchamber. Once again, this confused Mary, because usually meetings like this took place in a great hall, this only furthered Mary's fears. "Please wait here while I tell her majesty you are here," the guide said before slowly opening the door and walking in. Mary could barely hear the conversation inside. "Your majesty, the Queen of Scotland has arrived. Shall I send her in?" Then there was faint mumbling, before the door opened once again, with the guide walking out. "She will see you now."

Mary took a deep breathe before walking in to the room, which was engulfed in darkness. The windows were covered with dark curtains, and from what Mary could tell, the room was completely empty except for a bed in the center. Mary took small steps forward, confused on the situation. Was this her new prison? Was the English Queen placing her under house arrest? Mary snapped out of her fears when she heard a scratchy voice call out, "Child, please come sit, we have much to discuss."

Mary's breathe hitched as she heard the voice then noticed a chair by the bed, which she assumed to be hers. She made her way to the chair and sat down, it was then she understood what was happening. In the bed was a frail old woman, who seemed to be clinging on to life. Mary Tudor was dying. This revelation did not please Mary, for she was still concerned on what was going on. Why did the English Queen invite her here? The Scottish Queen opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out because she had no idea what to say. After a couple of coughs the elder Queen spoke again in her weak voice, "Do you speak?"

Queen Mary IIजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें