The drama starts

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After,august found out that he was the baby daddy of not one but three woman one that sound like a siren and one that always would be her self and the other one who can rely on her self. at the time august does not know what to do he is confused. so he argued back and forth with his manger.
Manger: August u have to take care of those kids
August: But I don't think I can
Manger: August yes you can if you take care of your three niceses u can take care of your own children u made the mistake now u have to make up the mistake by taking care of them
Jhene aiko POV
Me and August haven't been in touch lately but when I found out that he has 2 other baby mommas I feel like it's messed up because marquis for short she is my best friend but now we argue a lot about this whole baby situation and I'm especially tired of arguing with the fire truck Teyanana all she says is "auguuuuuuuuugustttt" but I can take care of my own self because I am very independent with myself
Marquis POV
This whole baby mama drama with August is going nuts like I'm fighting with every baby mama but I think it's ignorant because me and the girls can work on this together and plus I am in the way of my friendship with Jhene we have been friends since the 1st grade like we never fought like this and I know the other baby mama but we don't talk but I can always rely on my self for me to be a good mom.
Teyanana POV
I don't know why ur not TAKIIng CARE OF YOU BABY AUGUSt.
August: GIRL NOBODY WANNA HEAR ALL THAT U JUST WANT MORE MULA 💵A matter of fact the baby hasn't even came out of the whom yet
Teyanana:but I still need my money August!!
August:well you don't mean nothing but to sit your butt down
Teyanana:you treat me so wrong August you give all other baby mamas money but you don't give me money
August:first of all you don't know nothing because I hadn't even talk to my other baby mamas and why would I give the money to the baby not even the born yet
Teyanana:get out of my house August
August:this is a stupid conversation anyway so I'll leave I don't care

August Alsina baby mamaWhere stories live. Discover now