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The misty fog cooled Cas’ sweat from his face as he threw his arms in the air. He closed his eyes and allowed himself to be lost in the moment. The best thing was that he could feel the beat of the drums in his chest, and when he breathed in, he felt clear of any and all worries he had ever had in his life.

The roar of the guitar player’s solo filled the auditorium, causing the screaming and whooping of the crowd to increase in volume. Castiel felt as if he were soaring along with the music, his body floating away from the world and into the stars.

The concert was coming to a close, however, and like Cas’ brother, Uriel, is always saying, good things must always come to an end, Castiel (to which Castiel usually replies with a scoff and a roll of the eyes). Cas didn’t want it to end. He wanted to stay here, in this huge room, with this great band. It was almost kind of funny—he didn’t plan on going to this concert in the first place; he didn’t even know who the band was. But his sister, Anna, had randomly gave him the tickets last minute. Castiel remembered her words, “Go have fun, Castiel. You need to get out of the house, away from this ‘family’ for once. Make friends, for God’s sake.”

Friends. Right. …friends.  Castiel looked around. Perhaps the people nearby would do? All he needed was to show Anna that she didn’t have to worry about him as much. Cas noticed two younger girls to his right, screaming wildly and jumping up and down. They were holding a flashing neon sign clearly stating, “WE’RE LEGAL”.

Maybe not.

He looked to the left, seeing two boys. They, thankfully, were not jumping up and down and screaming. The two were both clad in flannel shirts, jeans, and boots. They seemed nice enough. One, a taller one, had dark, longer brown hair, and was smiling. The other had spiky short hair and wore a smirk across his pink lips.

“Hi!” Castiel yelled loudly over the music. Wasn’t this how to make friends? “I’m Castiel!”

The taller one turned and looked down at the wide-eyed Cas. “Hi,” he stated, smiling back at the other boy. “I’m Sam.” Sam turned to the boy next to him. “This is my brother, Dean.”

Dean gave a half-hearted wave in Cas’ direction, not really seeing him.

Cas nodded. Now what? He didn’t generally get this far into any conversation.

Thankfully, Sam was more experienced in this whole “social” thing.

“Great band, right?” he shouted, to which Castiel nodded. “Is this your first time seeing them live?”

“Yeah,” Cas replied. “In fact, my sister gave me tickets just today. I hadn’t heard of them before now.” Sam nodded.

“What about you?” Castiel asked. “Have you seen them before?”

“Oh yeah, loads. Dean and I move a lot, so get to see them whenever they tour in the area we move to.”

“Oh, that’s cool! Where was the last place you saw them?”

“Hmm.. probably…”


Dean had turned, hearing his name come up in the conversation, finally taking note as to who his brother was talking to.

The first thing that popped in his head?


And the one that followed that?


Something clicked. It was an odd sort of feeling, but he felt it in his bones. A tingle in his heart. And then there was the emotion that followed. He felt a pang in his chest and a longing to know everything he could about the stranger as soon as possible. Where did that even come from?

Sam and the boy were deep in conversation about the band they had been listening to. (Funny how they were discussing how great they were, and not actually paying attention to the music being performed live.) Dean watched as the boy smiled wildly up at Sam. Crinkles formed in the corners of his eyes and dimples broke across his smooth cheeks.


Just then, out of nowhere, Cas glanced over at Dean (who had totally not been open-mouth gaping at him). Their eyes locked, and for a moment, it was just like out of the moves… everything disappeared. Each of the boys could practically feel the others’ heart beating along theirs.  

Hi, Dean mouthed.

Hi, Cas mouthed back.

They both stared at each other until Sam (rather rudely) cleared his throat, breaking each of their concentration. “Dean, this is Castiel. Castiel, this is Dean.”

Dean only blinked, not being able to form a proper sentence. (it is also safe to assume that Castiel could not either). Sam was beginning to feel awkward.

“Last song, everyone!” the band suddenly announced from the stage. Castiel’s head jerked towards the front of the auditorium and his eyes widened in response. No! The concert ending means that this moment ends, which means I have to go home, which means that I won’t see Dean or Sam again.

Sam nudged him in the shoulder, noticing the panicked look. “Hey, Castiel. Dean and I are going out after the concert ends for some frozen yogurt. Do you want to join us?”

Dean was (still) staring at Cas, unable to move or think anything other than, woah.

“Oh,” Cas said, glancing back over to Dean rapidly. “Y-yeah, that sounds good. That’s fun, right? Would I be intruding? Do friends do that? Are we friends?” Castiel attempted to keep himself from talking. He really did try. But his stupid mouth wouldn’t let him get away with not ruining a good conversation. Damnit.

Thankfully, Sam only laughed. “Don’t worry. We won’t mind at all.” He then leaned down to whisper into Castiel’s ear, “…especially Dean.” He winked as he was leaning away, and then turned back to the band to enjoy the last minutes of his concert. Dean and Cas were still facing each other, however, and once again locked eyes. Dean finally managed to smile at the other man. (Of course, it also could’ve come out as some weird-shit eating grin instead, but who cares?).

Castiel reciprocated the smile.

He had a feeling that Dean would end up being a great friend…

…maybe more. 


A/N: Hmm.. maybe not my best? Oops. I felt like I needed to update, though... I haven't in forever. Oops again. :/ 

I love you all for reading :)))) Thanks bunches!! Let me know what you guys think... Like, comment, and whatnot. 

<3 Kat

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