First Kiss

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A/N Okay, this is my first posted destiel one shot! :) It's about how I think Dean would actually react after their first kiss.

Please let me know what you think! :* 


Dean’s eyes widened in shock as chapped—yet soft—lips were pressed against his. He froze, standing very still. What. The. Hell. That was all his mind could think. He was even more shocked when he felt his body responding: his shaky hands lifted up to place themselves gently on the sides of Castiel’s face; his eyes closed softly; his experienced lips involuntarily moved out of habit, just the way they knew they should.

 What am I doing?

 After a moment of responding, Dean actually remembered what he was doing, who he was doing it to, and what that meant. He immediately shoved Castiel’s chest, backing away from the man. Green eyes were widened in shock.

 Castiel looked back at the hunter and tilted his head in confusion. “Dean—“ he began.

 ”No—Cas—,” Dean interrupted, his voice breaking. Shaky hands (what was with that, anyway?) lifted again, and he ran them over his face.

  He closed his eyes and shook his head. He needed to think.

 The eyes of the hunter suddenly flew back open and his Adam’s-apple bobbed. “That wasn’t supposed to happen,” Dean said softly, backing away from the angel. It didn’t help that Castiel had a hurt look on his face.

 And then Dean was running. Running out of the room, running out of the bunker, running down the dark, empty road. Where to? Dean didn’t know.

 His boot-clad feet pounded the asphalt road, and he pushed all of his energy into moving as far away as fast as possible. Even when he heard a deep voice close behind call out his name, he pushed himself even harder.

 Suddenly, a strong hand gripped his shoulder, halted him to a stop, and spun him around.

 “Dean,” The angel said sternly, breathing heavily. “Stop.”

  Dean bent over, placing his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

  A night owl called from a tree above, and if Dean were actually capable of thought at the moment, he would have actually recognized how cold it was at this time of night.

  “No. Cas... I—I can’t do that. I can’t... relationship... you...” Dean was stumbling over words, unable to come up with anything logical to say.

  It was scary.

  Very few times has Dean Winchester been legitimately scared. Well, at least not this type of scared. Of course, he has been scared the moment when Sam was thrown into the cage with Lucifer. He had been scared when he woke up alone in a different world, a year after suffering in hell himself. He had even been scared during that damn airplane flight on one of his first demon-hunts with fresh-from-college-Sam. But he had never been this type of scared. The flutter-of-the-heart, churn-of-the-stomach, racing-of-the-blood-scared.

  He felt dizzy. His hands wouldn’t hold still, and his eyes were welling up. Oh, no. No, no, no, I will not cry.

  “Cas, please, just--leave me alone. I need to think.” He spun around, and began to walk away quickly before he heard the other man finally speak up.

  “I love you.”

  Dean froze. What?

  Did... did he just say... love? What? Dean could’ve sworn that at that moment, he felt his heart stop.

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