Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

Reeeeaaaal smooth. 

Then my phone rang, making my already jumpy self jump higher than before. I glanced at the profile, Rym. 

"Yeah Rym?" I said into the phone. 

"Lily!" her frantic voice exclaimed. It sounded like she had been crying. "Lily please it's Jasmine!" 

I dropped the phone, trying to contain myself. 

"What's wrong?" I heard Blade ask. I didn't turn. "My mask's on."

Thank heaven above. I turned around to see my phone pressed against the masked boy's ear. 

"This is Blade... what?!" he snapped. "Where are you?" He nodded. "We'll meet you at the hospital."


He hung up. "Let's go."

I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes. "What happened?! Is she okay?! Where were they?!"

"Stay calm." Blade grabbed my shoulders. "Grab your shoes, I'll explain in the car."


"We don't have time Lils!"

I closed my mouth and nodded. Throwing on a pair of flip flops, I headed out the door. I couldn't think straight. One of my best friends too. I it was my fault-I knew it was my fault! If only I hadn't walked that way home! If only Violet never existed! If only I could go back in time! If only I could see Blade's face! 

Before I could stop them, the tears burst through whatever thin walls I tried to push then back with. I was a sobbing mess, my forehead pressed against the window next to the passenger seat. I tried to choke them back, but with the sudden quickness of my breath, that wasn't an option. 

"Hey! Lily, Lily it's okay." I heard through gasps. 

I nodded and tried to wipe my face. "Y-yeah I-I know. I-I'm fine."

I'm fine. 

Stupidest words ever invented.

Blade sighed and looked right at me, getting fully into the driver's seat next to me. "I promise. It's going to be okay." Blade grabbed and held my hand gently while I tried to regain control over my breathing. 

We continued the car ride in silence.


"Where is she?" I asked a nurse at the front desk immediately. 

"Who are you here to see?" the small nurse asked me back. She was stubby with dull, brown hair thrown into a low ponytail. 

"Jasmine Leonard."

"Name and relation?" 

"Lily Easton... um, friend."

Blade appeared next to me, making me relax a bit. 

"Sorry hon, she's in surgery right now."


"Lils, come sit down," Blade motioned to an area full of chairs. People eyed me cautiously, I didn't blame them. My face was red and puffy and I was constantly sniffling. Not to mention I was in a tank top and sweatpants...

And flip flops. 

Why did I put on flip flops?

"So what happened?" I asked Blade, wiping my face again. 

"Jasmine, Astrid and Rym apparently went out for coffee. Vanessa had to leave I don't know, but Rym said that a guy grabbed her and dragged her to the back of the coffee place they were at. Naturally Jasmine and Astrid ran after him but he had a gun... and when Jasmine tried to help..."

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