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"Don't worry Mom, I'll find Michael. I'll never rest until I find him. I have hired investigators all over the country, they are still out there looking for him!! They're the best in the country, they will find him," Calvin assured Katherine.

"Thanks Son. I don't know what I would have done without you," Katherine told him as she wiped a tear that was threatening to fall on her cheek.

It had been five years since Michael went missing. Everyone said he was dead, everyone said there was no way he would have survived that fall. But she is a mother, how can she believe that?? She believed her son was alive somewhere. He had to be alive! That was the only thing that kept her going, her son was her everything. She was living just for him.

That day was Michael's birthday, she was more sad that day. She bought Michael's favourite cake; lemon raspberry cheesecake. Like every other day she believed Michael would walk in and smile at her as he walks in from the front door, that smile that she missed so much, that lovely smile that always made his handsome face even more handsome. Then she would smile back at him and he would come and kiss her cheek like how he always did. And then he would ask her about her day. Her day was always almost the same but Michael would always ask her and listen to her everyday. He would laugh at her lame jokes as he eats her food.

Katherine was a good cook, or atleast that's what everyone around her told her. But good cook wasn't the only thing she was blessed with, she was good looking too. She was a slim woman of 5'6, though she was in her late 40's people often mistook that she was in her early 30's.

Katherine has been a single mother ever since Michael was five years old. Michael was supposed to be 26 that day.

Katherine got married when she was only 20 and had him when she was 21 but five years later her husband died in a car accident, after that she never wanted to get remarried. She dedicated her whole life to her son. She became a successful carrier woman, she was a well known painting artist. But ever since Michael was gone she could no longer paint, painting needed a peace of mind and she never had one since then. But that was the least of her worries, what was more important is finding her son, and for that she was grateful she had Calvin.

Calvin was helping her find her son. Calvin was like a son to her, she knew him ever since he was young. Katherine was grateful Michael has friends like him.

"Here, drink this. You should take more care of your health. Your face is almost half of the size it was! What if Mike walks in now and see you like that!?" Her thoughts were interrupted by Calvin who was handing her a glass of juice with a smile on his face.

Katherine took a glass of juice from his hand and smiled back before taking a sip. Calvin was right, she should take more care of her health, Michael could come home any minute and she didn't want him to find her like this.

"Thank you Cal," she told him.

"Do you want to go on a date with me and Winnie tomorrow, Friday night? You could use some fresh air," he suggested.

"No, it's fine. You're already busy as it is, I don't want to take more of your time. You are already doing so much by helping me to find Michael."

"How can you say that! Mike is my brother, it's only natural that a brother find his missing brother. And you're not taking any of my time. I'm doing this for me. I do this because I want to," he answered as he moved closer and hugged her.

Katherine could no longer hold in the tears, she felt a drop on her cheek. She wiped it and smiled at him after he released her.

"So, it's a date!!" he announced with a grin on his face. Katherine couldn't help but laugh, Calvin was helping her cope. Maybe she really needed that date.

"Yeah, it's a date," she grinned back.

"Ok then beautiful, see you tomorrow. I gotta leave now, or else I will not be able to leave," Calvin told her.

"Why?" she asked.

"How will I be able to leave after staring at your beautiful eyes longer? I'll be too captivated to leave," he answered with a wink. Katy laughed out loud, forgetting her worries for the time being.

"Okay honey, Bye. Drive safely," she bid him farewell as he exited with a smile on his face.

"I will. Good night," he shouted back.

As Calvin was hopping into his Tesla model X he thought of Winnie. He couldn't wait to see her. He set the gps destination to her house and started driving.

Winnie was the love of his life. He could do anything for her, only if she would stop being so stubborn and let him. He sighed as he thought of the circumstances between them. But he knew things will get better, he was positive he was going to win her over soon.

Calvin had everything; wealthy, luxurious cars, his own mansion, his own company, everything except Winnie's heart and that was the thing he was desiring the most. He would do anything to have her.

Winnie was the most beautiful girl he ever laid eyes on, it was love at first sight. He even remembers cleary when he first met her; in that beautiful knee length black dress that fit her slim curved 5'5 body perfectly. Her mesmerizing long dark brown wavy hair that fell perfectly on her back. Her beautiful flawless olive skin. Her brown eyes that sparkle and light up the room as she talks. Her beautiful laugh and how cheerfully she was talking. The smile she had when Michael introduced her to him. He could describe every second of it as if it was just yesterday but in reality it was seven years ago.

Seven years later and Calvin found her even more beautiful if that was even possible. She was working as a fashion designer after she graduated from college four years ago and he couldn't wait for her to be the designer of his life.

It took him roughly 15 minutes to reach her house, he honked his car horns and the gateman immediately opened the door as he was familiar with the car. Calvin parked his car, he then walked out, opened his trunk and took out the shopping bags that had a dress and heels he bought for Winnie earlier that day, he smiled as he looked at them.

'Winnie is gonna love them,' he thought. 'What is the best way to a Woman's heart other than shoes and clothes!?' He smiled.

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