9: ...It was fine, thanks for asking. Yours?

Peridot was still a little surprised that he tried to make small talk with her.

Peridot: It was passable I suppose.

9: Could've been better?

Peridot: A Ruby squad wrecked a ship that I had to repair.

9: Rubies aren't the brightest.

Peridot: There is something we agree on.

There was another moment of silence.

9: Has anything been on your mind lately?

Peridot: Well...I have wondered about those limb enhancers if yours.

9: In what way?

Peridot: I know those cause a bit of mental strain on you. Why use those over regular limb enhancers?

9: Well besides not being short, these allow me to do more tasks at once. It's like having 6 arms to work with. They are feel more responsive.

Peridot: I see.

9: Also they look cooler.

Peridot chuckled a bit as 9 went back up to work.

Peridot: What about you? Anything on your mind lately?

9: Not much, just male gems.

Peridot: Elaborate.

9: Well, I find it strange that we are looked down upon. We are defective yes, but we are the same if not better than other gems. Though I suppose, gems don't like change. Other than that, just others ways to make limb enhancers better.

Peridot: Yes, male gems are quite...interesting. But I believe it's more of a the effect they have on female gems.

9: What do you mean?

Peridot: Well I-

The machine 9 was working on started to make weird noises.

9: One sec.

He it really hard and it fixed it.

9: Continue.

Peridot: Ok...anyway, I have overheard several female gems calling topless male gems "hot". I don't see what all the fuss is about.

9: Indeed, I even over heard male gems say, "She has a cute butt". Like....it's just a butt.

Peridot: Mm.....I like this 9.

9: What?

Peridot: Just talking. We aren't insulting each other, we're just having a normal conversation. Why don't we do that more?

9: Hm...I suppose we both have a bit of a superiority complex.

Peridot: Well...I want to do this more. Talking to you has proven to be more enjoyable than anticipated.

9: Oh? Peridot wants to spend time with me?

Peridot: *blushes* J-J-Just to talk! CLOD!

9: *chuckles*....I will admit Peridot, when I first met you I thought you were going to be...difficult. But, I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy this talk. So yes, we should do this more often.

Peridot smiled.

Peridot: I'm glad we can come to an agreement, now then, we should finish before Yellow Diamond gets angry. I don't want to imagine what she'll do to you.


Peridot: 9?

She looked at him, he was staring straight ahead, it looked like he was hypnotized.

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