Using its pain to turn the tables, Eden pushes herself from the ground, moving to shove the creature down to where she once lay. As its final act of defiance, it pulls her down with it, yet accomplishes very little in doing so. From beneath it, Eden wraps her arms around the thick throat of her attacker, squeezing down upon it with all her might. She uses her legs to force its arms back as it attempts to fight, trapping them by its side, and constricting its movements as a snake would its prey. And, using the leverage she has over its movements, Eden snaps its neck.

Inhaling deeply, Eden allows her gaze to wander around, finding herself more than glad upon seeing that all their attackers lie sprawled across the crimson-stained sand. As if nothing had happened, Eden wipes the palms of her blood-stained hands against her shirt, attempting to rid her skin of the liquid that'd soon enough gain an annoying sticky texture. She moves to stand from the ground, but stops as a gloved hand appears before her, offering her aid in the endeavour.

Glancing up at the man obscured by a layer of armour, an unmissable shine of suspicion glimmers within her gaze. Yet, she bites back the same spark of pride that'd gotten her in trouble many times in the past, and takes the Mandalorian's hand; accepting his aid. Looking him up and down, as if to check him for any injuries he may have acquired, a question slips past the threshold of her cracked lips. "You good?"

When the Mandalorian remains silent, Eden's eyes morph into a squint as she attempts to view what lies beneath his helmet's visor and gauge his reaction, to no success. Though his face may be blocked from her view, Eden takes note of the curiosity which he holds, as it is shown through the way his head tilts slightly to the side as he watches her. But her wonder toward the man is never answered, as nearby beeping brings upon the end to their interaction.

Eden's brows knit lightly together as confusion passes over her, yet this feeling soon fades as dread swells within the pit of her stomach. Her gaze shifts to glance in the direction in which the sound came, and her fears are confirmed when her eyes lock upon a small object with a blinking red light. Discarded upon the sand, having fallen off one of their attackers, lies a tracking fob, one in which was leading directly to them. Or, more accurately, the child.

━━━━ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ━━━━

The gentle touch of night had graced the pair of unlikely partners. The illuminance of an active flame dances within the reflection of Eden's darkly coloured eyes, the woman absentmindedly fiddling with the locket upon the end of her necklace while her eyes stare wondrously at the fire. She's intoxicated by the notion that something so magnificent and pleasing to the eye can be so deadly, able to suffocate the life out of anything it touches. Too many times before had Eden seen fire consume all, making the sight of the dangerous entity disguised to appear beautiful a sight that only brings upon bitter thoughts.

The small sound of sand crunching beneath metal boot echoes throughout the night, shattering the trance Eden had found herself entrapped by. Her eyes dart toward the source of the noise as her hand grasps for the weapons holstered upon her waist, thoughts of the worst swelling in her head. Before she can draw a blaster, she subdues the instinct that screams at her to shoot, seeing that no danger was to befall her, at least not yet. The Mandalorian stands in front of the asset's pod, returning the child to the place he wishes it to remain. His helmet turning slightly toward Eden for a moment, having noticed her behaviour, the Mandalorian wanders back to the other side of the campfire, commencing the task of repairing his armour once more.

ÂME MORTELLE, din djarin जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें