14 - Edge

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Hermione was utterly shocked by how soft Draco's lips seemed to be...she had expected them to be cold, but they were the exact opposite - warm and inviting.
Still shocked, Hermione closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the kiss, in his embrace...in him.
Finally, they break apart, staring at each other
"Sorry...I couldn't wait any longer. I've been wanting to do that for a while now." Draco smirked, tucking a strand of her brown hair behind her ear
Hermione was utterly speechless, the last person she had been kissed by was Ron...and though she loved Ron, it had felt nothing like Draco's kiss.
Draco just felt right.
There she was, proving the bloody sorting hat right...again
Although, at least she had finally accepted their relationship.
"We should go...we're gonna miss breakfast." Hermione smiles, pulling Draco's hand and leading them out of their room
Their shared common room was completely empty, signifying that everyone had either already gone down to the Great Hall or they were skipping breakfast.
Hand in hand, Draco and Hermione walked into the Great Hall, earning them a few stares and whispers
Draco decided to go the extra mile and give Hermione a small peck on the cheek.
Well everyone probably knew about them now...or would in a matter of hours...Not that it was too big of a deal seeing as they would be married in a few months. 

Running over to the Gryffindor table and joining her friends, she is immediately attacked by questions
"So, you two are dating?"

"Are you dating?"

"Is Draco good in bed? Honestly, the man could slither into my bed anytime."

"Honestly guys. It's not a big deal. We're basically engaged." Hermione mumbles

"Shut it!" Ginny yells to the Gryffindor table and to all of the people who had bombarded Hermione with idiotic questions

The questions immediately stopped and everyone went back to eating their breakfast. Everyone knew better than to get on Ginny Weasleys bad side.
She could be quite scary when she wanted to be

"Thanks, Gin." Hermione says, grabbing a spoonful of eggs onto her plate

"So, how are you and Harry?" Hermione asks Ginny, trying to take some of the unsolicited attention off of her

"Honestly, we're absolutely great. I figure he'll be proposing any day now. He better. I'm getting quite impatient. I wanted to marry him anyway, but this law makes it a lot easier for me." Ginny winks, taking a bite of sausage

"I wonder how Luna and Blaise are..." Hermione wonders, looking over to the Ravenclaw table at her blonde friend

"I have no clue. I really haven't spoken to her. Blaise is probably so confused." Ginny giggles

"Maybe Harry knows? You know they're like siblings..."

Harry looks over at them, interrupting his conversation with Dean

"What did I do this time?" Harry asks, a bit scared

"Just wanted to know if you've spoken to Luna lately? We were wondering how Luna and Blaise were getting on." Ginny asks him

"Yeah, spoke to her last night. They seem to be getting on well. Luna likes him. She said she was teaching him about Nargles, Crumple-horned Snorkacks, and Exploding Snabberwitches...poor lad is probably so confused." Harry laughs loudly

"I thought we had finally gotten through to her that they weren't real." Hermione sighs

"I think she knows they're not real...she's just holding onto them. Let her be 'Mione." Harry begs

"Well someone should at least help poor Blaise out. Merlin knows he has no clue." Hermione says, eating a bite of her eggs


"Honestly. I have no clue what the girl is on about. Sometimes I wonder if she's gone barmy...but when she's not talking about all that nonsense, I dunno. I kinda like her." Blaise tells Draco and Pansy

"Maybe you should ask one of her friends for clarity? We have to make it work...may as well entertain her with the idea these weird creatures are real...and honestly, she probably is a bit barmy. I mean, we used to call her Loony Lovegood for a reason." Pansy snickers

"Aye. Don't go on about my girl. What about Weasley? How's that going?" Blaise laughs

"Well, I wouldn't speak to him. But last night the boy came in and make us 'get to know each other'. He's not bad, honest. I'm just annoyed about this daft law and I'm trying to rebel as much as possible. We got on well last night though. At least he's pureblood...no matter a traitor...but still a pureblood." Pansy shrugs

"Honestly, Parkinson. I thought we were done with the blood prejudice. I thought that ended months ago. Hermione is muggle-born and it doesn't bother me one bit. Not anymore. Get over it already. It doesn't matter." Draco huffs, throwing down his fork and earning a few stares from his fellow classmates at the gesture

"Touchy subject Drake? You like her, don't you?" Pansy asks him

"So what if I do?" He mumbles

"Pans...you know they're dating right?" Blaise informs her

"You're dating?! Oh, that's amazing." Pansy laughs

"Leave him alone Pansy. So when are you proposing?" Blaise asks

"Dude. We just started dating. If this was normal, I wouldn't even be thinking about proposing..." Draco sighs, rubbing his hands over his face

"Well ya know...it's not normal. Bet Potter and Weaslette are probably already engaged. I've barely spoken to mine...Blaise is confused as hell with his, you're dating Granger. Our lives aren't normal anymore. So put your big girl knickers on, and figure out when you're gonna propose to the girl." Pansy says angrily

"What's wrong with her?" Draco mumbles to Blaise, who just shrugs

"Sorry...it's just coming up fast and I'm a bit freaked out." Pansy sighs

"You're fine...we're all on edge." Draco sighs

"Come on, we should head to class." Blaise says, breaking the uncomfortable silence that had settled over them


Wow this was a struggle to write...
But I figured it would be good to explore some of the other relationships a bit. I'll go into them some more to give us all a break from Dramione

Thanks, sorry chaps have been so short and crappy

Much love,
Shelby xx

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