"She was the one who got your location but that's all I'm going to say..." he said

"Well...if she got my location then I think that theme park it's worth checking out" I said then I looked at Ela who was still not so happy about it

"If you don't want to go I can go alone." I said to her

"Don't make me punch you. I don't want to go because I think it's a waste of time but if you go I'll go" she said and I smiled but she didn't see it because she left the office

Time Skip
Hong Kong, China
Ela PoV

We were just unpacking our belongings in the hotel Six got us in so little time, I haven't talked to (y,n) during all the trip...I know he knows I'm mad at him for making me come with him, I know he told me to stay if I wanted to but there's no way I let him do this by himself.

"So...how is China so far?" (y,n) asked me...probably trying to get me to talk to him

"Hong Kong is very crowded...definitely not what I expected" I said. I looked back at him and he was just laying on the bed. I couldn't help but to go and sit next to him, I laid my head on his shoulder

"Look sorry for being a bitch...it's just I don't like when people waste my time, I feel like this mission will be one hell of a waste" I said and (y,n) chuckled

"If this turns out to be a waste of time I'll promise to take you to the chinese wall" He said

"Are you for real?" I happily said but then I blushed when I noticed how childish that sounded

"I mean, yeah sure...that would be cool" I said after clearing my throat.

Time Skip
Theme Park, Hong Kong
(Y,N) PoV

We were in a building overlooking the abandoned place, Ela was using the binoculars we brought while I was trying to see something out of the ordinary. The reports say it has been abandoned for years but sometimes the citizens hear sound coming from the inside...sounds they have described couldn't be made by animals.

"Hey (y,n). I see a man heading inside" I heard Ela said

"Is there someone else?" I asked

"No, at least not that I'm aware, I'll keep looking" she said

"Maybe later, we are getting closer. You did good!" I said and she smiled

Ela couldn't see the guy's face but he was wearing a black jacket and gray cargo pants and he was holding a box on his way inside, since this was an abandoned building there must be plenty of places where we can sneak it without being noticed.

Once inside we moved as quiet as we can, we don't know if he is really the only one here, as we were walking through the corridor I heard a crack...I looked beneath my foot and saw a hidden button, I looked at the ceiling and suddenly a fire weapon appeared so I pushed Ela to a room and I took cover.

"(y,n) are you fucking alright?" I heard her while she was hitting the door

"I'm fine, what about you?" I asked her

"I'm Fine...I think I can keep moving" she said

"Good...be careful" I said and she told me the same thing

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming from behind me so I quickly turned around with my fist ready to punch this guy in the face. He matched Ela's description, the only new thing was that he is wearing a mask. He dodged my attack as I expected him to do.

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