Getting the ball in motion

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Hanging out with Ned and MJ was pretty uneventful. I mean, don't get me wrong, they did have fun, but they didn't really do anything productive. Then again, who really ever gets anything done when your with your friend anyway? Besides the death Star, which they barely got any done since they were mostly rolling around laughing the whole time, they didn't really do anything. It was a much needed break for Peter and his busy week of school, fathers, and the usual bullying. Peter was just opening the door when he caught the attention of his ever vigilant aunt.

"Oh Peter, welcome home! How was your day? Tell me all about it, I want to know e v e r y detail!" Gotta love that cheery aunt vibe. So, Peter proceeds to tell her all about his day, from the Lego death Star all the way to his pop quiz is math, leaving out the Flash incident of course. It's surprising how well he's able to talk, eat dinner, and breathe all at the same time. Someone give this man a trophy! After dinner is finished and Peter shooed out of the kitchen before he can help pick anything up. He heads to his room to do his homework and maybe go out for some spidermanning, as he hadn't done that in a bit and the guilt was riding up on him. So a sheet of Spanish, an essay of English, and a short packet of science later, Peter is pulling on his spiderman suit and crawling out his window.

The cold night breeze feels amazing through the thin fabric of his suit. He launches a web towards the nearest building and pulls himself to it, then, after letting himself free fall for a few, repeats the process. This, on top of the whole saving people thing is why he does it. Why he lies and sneaks. This absolute rush of freedom coursing through his gains and he fly's through the cold, dark New York sky line. If he could do this all night he would, but, as his Spidey senses are telling him, duty calls.

-------------ooo time skipperoonie----------

It was a somewhat uneventful night. Just a few car jackings, muggings, and drunk idiots to deal with. So, with a satisfied head and heart, Peter derobes and goes to bed. Drifting off into blissful darkness.

He wakes up to someone gentally rocking him back and forth. Forcing his eyelids apart, he's welcomed with the view of his father sitting on the side of his bed looking down at him.

"I do hope you're not too tired barn, but I was under the impression we were to talk about the mission tonight?" Loki asks questionably.

"Tonight?! Oh sure I'd love to!" Peter yells, slightly alarmed but also filled with a new energy he didn't have earlier. He jumps up into a sitting position and awkwardly motions for his dad to move so he can get up. With a small but noticeable smile, Loki complies and moves out of his way.

"If you'd like, I thought you might like to get dressed as this is a bit of an important occasion. I've taken the liberty of arranging for clothing of you size to be put in your closet. I'll be in the sitting room, you remember where that is?"

"Sure, I should be able to find it no problem!" Peter says as he opens the bathroom door, thinking it was the closet.

"Yes, well I see you have everything in here handled. If you need me, just call, I'll make sure to hear you." and with that, he exits out the thicc door and closes it with a click.

Peter has no clue where he is, he even got lost in his own closet looking for something to wear. He hopes the few rags he pulled together somewhat looks like clothing and exits his bedroom. He's wearing a long dark green tunic with a blue long sleeve under shirt, tan leggings, and some riding boots. It sounds like it would look very outdated, but with all the intricate patters and detailing on it all, it looks like it could be from some sort of futuristic sci-fi movie.

He also found this weird crown with small golden horns on them, and, since it was in his closet, he decided he'd try it on and decided it was worth keeping.

Now, out in the hallway, Peter realised he was hopelessly lost. His father did say if he needed him to just call, but he felt like he would be letting him down by not finding the way on his own. So he did what all hopelessly lost people do, he began to aimlessly wander.

The place he was in was surprisingly big. He traveled from one hallway to the next, passing door after door. After looking in a few of the rooms, he decided and just walk a bit slower and see if he can feel the heat from the fireplace in the room. Surely one of his many Spidey powers could do that, right?

So, now 20 min and a lot of wandering later, Parker luck actually happens to be luck this time. Peter is now standing outside the sitting room, thinking up an excuse to tell his dad of why it took him a half hour to get there. As he finally thought up an adequate excuse and reached for the door handle, the door opened itself to reveal, Loki in full glory.

"if you wanted to explore you could've just asked you know." The intimidating man states plainly.

"s-sorry dad... I-I-" Peter stutters out. Gee, his father could be really scary... he kinda reminds him of a villain in a way...

Loki smiles slightly, "Relax barn, come, we have much to discuss." Then he turns, without looking for a response, and moves into the room. Peter follows him in and takes a seat in the chair to the right of the fireplace. While his father takes to pouring them tea, he takes a moment to look around the little room. He first noticed the many book shelves in the room, but how could you not? The walls are lined in them, every inch touched with whatever knowledge the pages hold. Taking a look at the spines, he notices they are all mostly in a language he doesn't recognize, and have a feeling of magic emanating from them. To his left is an ordinary fireplace, lit and warm but not as warm as it should be considering how close he was. It was probably magic. In front of him was another chair and a coffee table where his father was mixing the tea. "Would you like anything with your tea?" Loki asks suddenly.

"Oh, I don't know. I don't have tea that often really, I'll just have whatever your having." Little baby petey boi says, growing a friendly smile. (Sorry my inner fan girl leaked out a little there (●'ω`●)ゞ nothing to see here)

"Of course." Loki passes Peter his cup and takes his seat, Peter takes a minute to note that the tea smells amazing. "So, to business, hm? I should probably start that I've yet to reach earth-" Peter cuts him off.

"Wait your not on earth?! Then where am I right now??!!" He asks, suddenly nervous in his surroundings.

"Please, relax barn, I've simply allowed you to enter my mind palace. To simplify an incredibly unsimple subject, we are speaking telepathically.", "Oh-", "Now, to continue what I was saying. I plan on using the Tesseract to reach earth, I will use an artifact I've acquired through my friend to activate the Tesseract, thus opening a portal I can then enter through." He pauses for A moment as he makes a holograph, this time, of a building. "This is the building it it being kept in. You will sneak into this building and meet me when I open the portal. From there, we will need to build a machine to create a much bigger portal so that my friend can come through and we can end our arrangement. Do you have any questions?"

Peter was a bit confused, why was he being so vague about everything? Did his father not trust him enough to give him the whole truth? But, he was his father, so, putting his worries aside, he had to trust that what his father was saying was the truth and that what he was leaving out was unimportant.

"No, I don't really have any questions. But I think I might be able to help with the building part. I'm, uh, told I'm really good at that kind of stuff and, I don't know, I'm sure I could be of some help..." He mumbles, unsurly.

"Of course," Loki says with a growing smile, " any child of mine must be a genius. Here," a notebook magically appears in his hand," I'm sure all you will need to know about the machine will be in this book." He slides it across the table to Peter. "If you need any help interpreting it or just want to spend some time with your father, I'm here." He ends with a cheeky smile on his face. It makes big smile emerge onto Peters face as he picks up the book and moves to sit on the arm of Loki's chair, to which his father only pulls him down into his lap so he can see better. Peter has never been happier.

This is not in a shippy way so get all of your heads out of the gutter!! Loki's Peters dad in this even if his human age right now would be 17!  Also, merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah, and everything else in between! Think of this as an early Christmas gift to all y'all who celebrate (ゝ∀・)

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