Poor Peter

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(A/N so like, I fixed this up a bit and added a little bit more. Don't fight me, I just forgot I had already published it. I'm working on the next chapter now. For now, enjoy the little extension on this.)

"So, where were we..."

"Um, well you were saying-"

"It's a figure of speech Peter, you're not meant to answer that."


"And don't apologize, there's no need." he sighs,"I guess I should just get into this, why I haven't been with you this whole time..." Loki glances over to Peter, who looks at his father solemnly at this change in tone.

"You, my barn, are not born of human descent. I merely hid you here as you appear to be their species. I had thought your mother was a good person, someone I could trust, but as soon as things got tough. She tried to turn you in. As you see, on her planet, mixed species children are despised and killed immediately. So I took you from them, and hid you on this world." He looks Peter in the eyes, a caring look on his face. It makes Peter feel at peace, even though he did literally just tell him he's an alien. "I truly love you my barn, and if there were any other way I would've taken it. It pains me to have to have left you for this long. This isn't too much is it?"

"N-not really, I guess. I mean, I'm kinda desensitized since you already did say I was a Demigod..."

"Fair enough.

"I understand you had to hide me, but why couldn't you stay here with me. Why couldn't we hide together!?" Peter asks hurtfully.

"Peter dear, I still had my duties on my home planet. If I had stayed with you, you would've been easier to find. It's quite easier to hide a growing and changing child than a fully grown god. What I did I did for you and I can only ask for your forgiveness."

"It's ok dad, of course I forgive you. I... I don't really understand anything about our family, but I trust you. I may not have known you for long but I feel just like I can trust you." Peter says, offering a smile. A smile in which Loki returns gratefully.

"So what changed? Why now can you come back?"

"Let's just say... I got into a fight with my father and left my Asgard. I then met a man who gave me a gift. In return, I need to get him something, and it just so happens to be on this planet and I was wondering... if you'd like to help me in retrieving this artifact. A bit of... father son time, if you will."

"Oh yea!! Of course I'd love to help you dad! So what are we getting?" Peter practically yells, a large smile forming on his face.

"It's called, the Tesseract."

"Tesseract? I've never heard of that before..."

Loki uses his magic to summon an image of the object. It glows green with particles."It's an object with magical quality's humans could never be able to comprehend, let alone be able to use. Being on this planet will only make it collect dust, they are being selfish by keeping it. So, we'll just have to take it off their hands, so to speak. So, do you think you're up for the challenge?"

"Oh wow that thing you did there, that's really cool. Could I maybe learn to do that? Oh and yea totally! I mean, I've never stolen anything before. Well, I've never ever broken any rule before but I'll help. I'll help as much as I can dad!!"

"Of course you will my barn. I knew I could trust in you, you are my son after all. As for magic, I am not sure if your body could hold the ability, but I'm sure that wouldn't waver you from wanting to try?"

"Oh yea, totally. That shouldn't even be a question. So when are we gunna go get it? Like, should I go get dressed or?"

"Calm down Peter, you don't even know where it is yet. Less of how we'd even acquire it. I must admit, earth's strongholds are quite strong. So we must make a plan before attempting anything. Wouldn't want you getting hurt now would we?"

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