Chapter 36 No Cookies

Start from the beginning

He snarls, showing me his fangs.

I shrug and start walking away.

A low growl is heard, telling me to come back. I even hear his voice crack a little.

Don't make him hurt like this! 

I will do what I want. He'll come running, don't you worry. 

If you don't apologize, I will take over.

As if I'd let her. I push into the back of my mind until I can't feel her anymore. I'll let her out for a run to make up for it, sometime.

'Ellana, come back here.'



'Make me.'

He cuts the connection. His loss.

I did try to save those poor guys' lives. Jack will come eventually. I know he will. I just don't know when. This was the only thing I could think of that would make him leave the training grounds besides running around naked. I obviously vouched for the first one.

It would be nice to have a mate who actually cared enough to take my thoughts into consideration, not just his own. He annoys me, Jack. Like, seriously, just smarten up and make a decision based on whatever one is better. I think mine would probably be better every time, though. Because, I mean, come on. It's Jack.

I feel a hand on my shoulder and jump.

"Jesus." I come face to face with Jack, before he scoops me up into his arms. "Oh, hi. I didn't think you cared."

He ignores me, his jaw clenched.

"Well, that's rude." I cross my arms and huff. "Wow. So disrespectful. I mean, wow. I didn't know you didn't care. I would've said I didn't know that you did care, but your current mood goes against that. Woah, how fast do you walk?! How are we back, already?!"

He walks up the steps and inside, then sets me down.

When I turn to face him, he's leaning against the door, not making eye contact.


"You disrespected me in front of my soldiers."

"I did? Oh, I did. I guess in the eyes of an angry alpha I did."

He inhales deeply, thinking about something.

"What are you gonna do about it?"

Without hesitation, he answers, "No cookies for a week."

"What?! You can't do that! You can't take fucking cookies away from me!"

"I just did."

I clench my fists. He can't do this. Cookies are life. I can't survive without cookies for a whole week.

"Atticus?" He calls.

Atticus peeks around the corner. "Yes, Master Jack?"

"Atti!" I yell and run over to him. I embrace him, so he hugs back, though hesitant at first. "He's trying to take away my cookies! Don't let him! Please!"

He looks down into my pleading eyes.

I look at Jack when Atticus smiles at me. "Ha!"

Jack shakes his head. "No cookies for a week."

"No! You can't do that! Atticus is my friend, and he will still give me cookies!"

"If Atticus gives you cookies, he's fired."

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