Chapter 10

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A/N So yeah this is crazy, don't remember the last time I uploaded chapters so close together (time wise),

I won't say that I'll "BE UPLOADING A LOT MORE", but it might just happen,

 I don't know

A2 - Its starting 

A3 - Yeah

A4 - Still no info on me huh..........

A - SHUT UP and let me finish.........

Anyway I have nothing else to do at this point regarding school, since this is Quarter 2 exams week, but I should be fine.......

after that is Christmas break

but i have nothing to do...................... in other words i'm extremely bored to the point i'm not being lazy and feel like writing.

SO I might post a lot more, maybe... this is why people hate me.....................................

I won't be saying stuff like I'll post on monday and then let people down................ for those still around............................................................


Normally when a person goes deeper into a forest, they find

more forest,

but no........................................................................ there was a desert 

(.-.) '................................Why is my luck so trash' I said this while casually lying in the scorching hot sand of the desert............

it really burned my poor wormy body

'But at least i'm not like a normal worm form earth that drys in the sun....... that would be bad', however there was one thing I had to say was bothering me

In the forest wind never posed a problem to me, especially to the point of sending me away on its current, but now

it did

'That settles it then..... I'm fucking cursed.........', It seems like the only reason wind didn't hurt me till now...... 

'Oh wait......... that damn butterfly' 

damn why did I have to remember that near death experience here in the middle of a desert that must clearly be dangerous

'Its a bit too quiet though........' 

There was nothing in sight, just nothing 


'hmm, this feels like wind is comming!'

'DIG!' and so I began digging a hole in the sand, which was way easier to do than in dirt, but it hurt.........................

a lot.............................

'this, what is this sand made of to hurt so much......' 

I began to look at the yellowish colored sand and remembered seeing something while being thrown away from the forest 

black sand

'Whatever I do, I must never go to that place........' , although I got a strange feeling after saying that......

'Shit.... did I just jinx myself..... no.............. FUCK!'

*pokes head out* 

'Okay we are safe......huh...................................'  I looked out to see......... a big ant..... staring at me

Reincarnated as a Worm?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن