Chapter 3 Now a Parasite, but still a Worm

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A/N - Here we go again with another really strange A/N that I bet no one reads, thus I talk to myself. T-T

Hold on a sec, I said "another really strange A/N", but none of them have been strange....... Could it be that

I'm actually a Normal person!
A2(Author 2) - This guy is a weirdo.
A3(Author 3) - Yep he sure is.
A(Author) - Why do you guys hate me......
(I'm honestly surprised that this got past 50 reads, so thank you all who have read this, especially those who even read this weird story this far :])

"Evolution Complete" the mechanical voice said, and it was then that I woke up and realized how dangerous what I just did was.

After all, what if something attacked me while I was passed out.... It was a thought I didn't want to think about, but eh, I survived for now, lets check my 'Stats"
Name: None
Species: Large Parasite Worm
Race: Monster
Level: 1/30
Health: 33/33
Mana: 10/10
Stamina: 50/50
Defence: 6
Strength: 11
Speed: 9
Intelligence: 40
Passive Skills: [Regen Lvl 1] [Blood Drain Lvl 1] [Poison Resistance Lvl 1]
Special Skills: [Death Devourer Lvl 1] [Parasite Lvl 1]
Active Skills: [Bite Lvl 3]
Magic: None
Titles: <Lucky> <Parasite>
'Hmm, interesting it seems that stats increase after an evolution' , this was a great  benefit that would definitely help out, anyway although all of this is cool and I do want to check out my new skill and check out [Blood Drain] finally, its really dark right now and my size is a lot bigger than before, i'd say roughly i'm about 1ft now compared to my previous small size of about 3inchs.

Thus I began to wiggle into the earth and made a nice tunnel, the increase in the speed stat helped a lot and I was able to find some roots of a tree and decided to hang out there and find some water, 'Wait, I haven't drank any water for the past two days since I was born and there is no way that a worm could survive like that' then I remembered something about worms being able to absorb the moisture in the dirt through their skin (A/N this is totally not true, I think)  , so I guess I should be fine.

'Okay then time to check my skills, lets start with [Parasite]-' Man this thing is so rude cutting me off every time.
[Parasite Lvl 1] - Allows the user to bury themselves inside of a targets brain and control them, essentially becoming them.
Lasts until the target dies
User must reach the brain in order to take control. 
However can not take over beings that are 3 times stronger
As level increases, greater control of the target will be gained
Active Type Special Skill
'Oh hell no, this skill does exactly what I thought it would, but it doesn't change the fact that it's just a creepy skill to use ' However I must do what I have to in order to survive, but this..... 'Lets not think about it now and check [Blood Drain]-'
[Blood Drain Lvl 1] - While eating if the target has blood it will be drained and allows that blood to act as extra in case of emergency, any blood can be used and not poison the user.
As level increases, amount of blood that can be stored will rise
Activates Passively
'Oi, this skill is actually pretty useful, anyway that's all the skills I really need to check since the others are self explanatory',  Actually i'm kind of hungry and I wonder if there is anything nearby, but there probably isn't, so just push on me and go to sleep.

Like that my second day ended, still as a worm.

I woke up only to hear the sounds of more *Sniff* *Sniff* of that one fox from yesterday, seems it remembered the hole my Siblingswere in and came back for more, but because he came back it gave me an idea to use that one creepy skill [Parasite].

'First things first, give me the stats of the fox -' I was going to say please, but whatever I guess.
Species: Two - Tailed Fire Fox
Race: Monster (Neutral)
Level: 15/30
Health: 110/110
Mana: 60/60
Stamina: 200/210
Defence: 30
Strength: 45
Speed: 25
Intelligence: 50
Passive Skills: [Danger Sense Lvl 5] [Slow Mana Regen Lvl 3] [Hearing Lvl 5] [Smell Lvl 5]
Special Skills: [Inferno Lvl 2]
Active Skills: [Bite Lvl 10] [Claw Slash Lvl 10] [Tail Whip Lvl 3] [Eye of the Hunter Lvl 5]
Magic: [Fireball Lvl 5] [Fire Burst Lvl 3]
Titles:  <Hunter> <Heart of Fire>
'.........................................., oh, interesting (._.)' It was at this moment that I realized that my original plan to use [Parasite] was not gonna happen because the thing before me was a real monster, not like that [Blood Robin] , this was a monster that brought with it fear it you were below it on the food chain, and I am............

'Lets get the hell out of here before that thing decides it wants something bigger' and thus I wiggled away with all my might for 1 hour before I began to get hungry, luckily two of those adorable caterpillars were nearby and eating some leafs. 'Lets do this' I use the same strategy as I did on the first to get behind it and strike the neck using [Bite], but this time it was a perfect hit and it started to squirm a bit, before eventually dying. After that I killed the second one flawlessly.

'Man, I really feel guilty for killing these guys, but its Survival of the fittest out here' and thus I continued to wiggle on my way to who knows where in search of a new home.
Current Stats
Name: None
Species: Large Parasite Worm
Race: Monster
Level: 3/30
Health: 39/39
Mana: 13/13
Stamina: 56/56
Defence: 7
Strength: 13
Speed: 11
Intelligence: 45
Passive Skills: [Regen Lvl 1] [Blood Drain Lvl 1] [Poison Resistance Lvl 2]
Special Skills: [Death Devourer Lvl 1] [Parasite Lvl 1]
Active Skills: [Bite Lvl 3]
Magic: None
Titles: <Lucky> <Parasite>
A/N Thus chapter three is done, and past 1000 words (barely), anyway everyone tell me what you think so far and if you're enjoying this so until next chapter

GOOD BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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