a plan chapter 13

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- with the heroes-

" WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT KNOW WHERE HE IS!" Bakugo yelled. it had been a couple of days since the class found out there friend had gone missing.

" bro calm down yelling won't solve anything, let him explain," Kirishima says, patting the explosive blond on the back. Aizawa cleared his throat,

" we are looking for Izuku now if you all will be quiet and pay attention to the lesson" Aizawa says, he wanted to go look for izuku. Still, Nezu had told him to teach his class and keep them busy, so they didn't stir up more trouble.

The class groaned and went to go sit down at there desks, Bakugo snarled before getting a glare from his teacher, so he went to sit down and listen to there lecture about olf heroes and shit.


Time skip


It was weirdly quiet in the room, the class was on break, and unlike other days there was no laughing, yelling, or talking among the students.

" I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE," Bakugo yelled, most of the class looked at bakugo. " THE HEROS ARE DOING A SHIT JOB AT FINDING DEKU"

" there's nothing we can do we should just wait like Aizawa told us to," Iida says looking down at his hands, some of the class nodded those fucking extras.

" bakubro is right. We can't just wait around and do nothing while our friend is out there," Kirishima says.

" Yeah, what if he's hurt or worse," Mina says, joining in. The class did start getting loud most if them agreeing with bakugo; eventually, the whole class wanted to do something.

" what can we even do put up missing posters like what happens when your dog runs away?" Denki asks, putting out ideas, Bakugo shakes his head.

" After school, I'm going to go look for Deku you extras can help or not, but I'll be pissed if the nerd doesn't get found," Bakugo says.

" I would also like to help in finding Midoria," Todoroki says, that had been the first time he had talked to anyone in the time Izuku had been missing.

"me too!" Uraraka says, volunteering, Bakugo smirks getting up.

" then what are you extras waiting for let's go get Deku."


The Villains weren't so bad, well kind of dabi was just staring at his and Izuku was pretty sure Toga had tried to stab him on occasion.

" Ok, I get you all have something against hero's, and I get it they aren't all the best but can I please leave," Izuku asks, Tomura shakes his head, Izuku had tried to get away so they ended up tieing him to a chair so he couldn't move.

" Izuku, how long will it take you to learn that you're not going anywhere for a while," Tomura says, putting four fingers on the boy's head and ruffling his hair.

" yah, but I promised Momo and Jiro that I would hang out with them three days ago, so I feel bad," Izuku says.

" Why no, how are you like this?" Dabi asks.

" what do you mean?" Izuku asks

" so innocent and nice."

" well, I think everyone has some good in them, and doing the right thing never hurt anyone, so I strive to put a smile on everyone's face," Izuku says.

" Oh my god, I bet you're the type of person to give your birthday money to charity," Toga says.

" yes, how did you know," Izuku says smiling, his mother always told him to help people in need and these villains seemed like they were in need of some serious help they could all use a hug.

" ... wow, I don't know what to say," Toga says.

" Not everyone deserves being nice to I bet you can't find a good thing about everyone."

" yes, I can," Izuku says, determined, " Dabi, you have cool scars, and we match. I also know you care about things other than being a villain," Izuku says. " Toga you are a nice girl and I can see us being friends if you stop trying to kill me" Izuku then move on to kurogiri " Kurogiri you have nice eyes and make good food and Tomura you seem like your good at video games you should add me as a friend on pokemon go," Izuku says smiling at his achievement on saying something nice to everyone in the room.

" aww, Zuzu, your so nice" Toga squealed hugging izuku " This is why we're keeping you."

" that's kind of the opposite of what I was going for," Izuku says, sighing kicking his legs a little.

" Izuku, the heroes really aren't coming for you. Its been a couple of days. I let you watch the news there is nothing," Tomura said, sure he was playing recordings of news from months before, but izuku didn't need to know that.

" Mabey your right....." Then there was a Boom sound, and izuku knew exactly who was there.

Sorry I was going to post yesterday, but I was in the ER I'm all ok now so yah.... by

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