What Happens In Vegas...

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I gasp from shock and turn to see him smiling reassuringly

How does he always know?

I slowly begin to even my ragged breath once again,the proximity...it winded me slightly

Through all the people socialising,laughing,spectating the DanceFloor where couples turned and stepped to the music that the band was playing flawlessly,i could still spot Mr De'Angelo.

His choice in suit was...not good. He'd gone with a bright Scarlett silk suit which did not do anything for his figure. The harsh light made his cheeks look all the more pink,he didn't look great if I'm honest. He was still grinning from ear to ear though, that I envy. Since I've met him he has been constantly smiling,despite him going through a divorce!

Suddenly I jump as his booming voice calls out to us
"Tristan! Hayley! You came!" He called as he charged over to us. I stiffen up

"Calm down" Tristan whispers again

His voice was doing strange things to me tonight. It was like butter...

I'm really on edge tonight

I suddenly feel a large hand on my shoulder and look up to see its Mr De'Angelo.
"Awh brilliant! I'm so happy you both could make it! Have a good time,its for a good cause!" He enthused before disappearing as quickly as he came.

I sighed and look up in relief to Tristan
"Um. Now what?" I ask

He smirks and then glances around the hall
"Enjoy the benefit I suppose" he chuckles

"Right then. I definitely need a drink" I laugh. He chuckles and nods

"Agreed" he says before leading me over to the refreshments.

A few hours later,I'm still on my first glass on Champagne,im very near the bottom but this will be my only drink. I don't want to get drunk in front of Tristan.

Tristans been talking to guests,of course women have been throwing themselves in his direction. You know what though? I don't care. Because I'll be the one going home with him. Even if it is because of work,it reassures me a little.

Suddenly the music changes and I grin a little to myself. A tango. I used to dance,ballroom and Latin mostly so this is right up my street. I feel my foot beginning to tap to the smooth and seductive tune.

"Dance!" I hear Mr De'Angelo shout from behind me

"Bloody hell!" I jump,how does he do that?

I feel Tristans body get pushed gently into mine by Anton and I sigh as I realise I'm about to dance with my boss.

Tristan turns to me and smirks
"Do you care for the tango?" He asks

I smirk back
"Indeed I do Mr Sheild" I reply cockily

He holds out his hand I take it before letting him lead me into the floor.

I put my left hand on his shoulder and my right in his. I shiver as his hand rests on the bare skin of my back. The contact has me shaky,his hand is so warm. I feel my entire back heat up just with the simple contact.

His eyes were burning with...is that desire?
"Try and keep up" he whispers

I snicker
"Try me" I challenge grinning.

His body jerks out suddenly and I follow flawlessly,his feet begin skimming the floor and I slide along beside him. I hear a saxophone and then feel my body being thrown out to be spun out and then back in again. I feel my body tightly against Tristans frame for a split second before being tipped back.

I'm flexible so I bend my back until my head is Inches from the floor before whipping it back up again.

After another 30 seconds the music comes to a halt and I suddenly realise Tristans arm is around me and we finished with my back pressed against his chest. My head is slightly tilted and I can actually feel Tristans heavy breaths on my lips,we were that close.

My chest is rising and falling rapidly and this position isn't helping. The hall suddenly fills with applause for the band and still we haven't moved. I dare to glance up to find Tristans eyes hungrily staring down into mine.

He released me and I reluctantly peel myself away. I stand stunned for a second.

Maybe I do like him. Oh no.

I shuffle off the floor quickly,i glance down to my wrist to see my watch.

I think I'm ready to go back. I turn around to look for Tristan only to jump yet again when he's right behind me.

I put my hand on my chest to feel my rapid heartbeat
"You scared me!" I gasped. I swallow and then glance to the door.
"I think I'm going to head back, I'm really tired" I chuckle.

He smiles and nods
"Yeah I think I'm going to go aswell,its abit much here" he laughs.

We walk towards the door and then make our way to the car we arrived in

Did he wait here all this time?

Tristan reaches for the handle and pulls the door open for me to climb in.

"Thankyou" I say as the driver pulls off.

"No problem" he leans over as we sit in the back seat.

I feel a heavy mist of desire fill the car and I gulp. This is so bad. Am I lusting for my boss? I look up to see Tristan studying my face. I suddenly look to his hand to see it reach behind him and click a button. I furrow my eyebrows and whip my head to where the divider between the back seats and the front seats suddenly goes up.

Our driver was now out of sight

Why? I'm confused

I look to Tristan to see his eyes still searching mine. His face is so gorgeous...he's so gorgeous.

I hear his breathing is ragged,i think this is the first time I've seen him so...not together?

"To hell with rules" he whispers before his lips are smashing against mine. I gasp before responding and knotting my fingers in his hair.
He throws the room door open and kicks it shut behind him as he pushes me against the wall.

This is all happening so fast. Why is this happening. This is bad


I'm not stopping...

I wrap my arms around his neck and shiver as his hand slides down my side. I throw my head to the side and gasp as his lips attack my neck. I can feel his hair brushing my neck as he tails kisses down my neck and shoulder. I sigh.

We shouldn't do this. We really shouldn't.

I grab him by the back of the neck and pull his lips back up to meet mine. Suddenly I'm being led into his room and I lay back on his bed as I attempt to catch my breath. I can't help but watch him as he undos his jacket.

He knows that this is turning me on I'm sure. His tongue traces his lips and my eyes automatically follow it.

His hands begin to then undo his shirt before it falls to the floor.

Oh my god his body.

My breathing hitches.

Okay fuck it,im doing this!

A.N/I really hope you guys enjoy this so far! Please leave me a comment,i would love to hear your feedback.

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