Hammersmith Episode #2

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"What's wrong with you?" I asked my friend as we got off the Circle Line train. "If you don't know, we're at the wrong Hammersmith Station."

"What?" my friend exclaimed. "I didn't know that."

"I know; the map is a bit confusing, isn't it?" I asked. 

"Yes, it is very confusing." she replied. 

"So we have to walk about one second and then we can go to Heathrow." I said. 

"YESSS!" my friend replied. "We'll go right now." My friend dragged me out of the station, tapped out and I did too, and sped along the short walk to the other Hammersmith station. 

"YIKES!" I yelled as my friend dragged me along the path. "Please stop it!"

Finally, she stopped me outside the station. YIKES, I thought. "There, there. Make sure it's to Terminals 2&3, not Uxbridge." I called. "Don't want what happened last time."

"Yes I don't, thank you very much." my friend called as the Piccadilly line train came. 

"Come on." I dragged my friend with our luggage up onto the waiting train. "There."

The doors began to close and off we went to Heathrow

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