"About two hours. The rest were up after me." Fluttershy said.

She glanced behind Luna, seeing the assembled Heart and Sombra sleeping.

" I'm guessing you and him figured out how to fix the Heart?"

"Not exactly. There's still one more element needed to completely fix it but we're not sure what."

Sombra stirred and he groggily lifted his head up to glance around.

Luna cracked up a little at his expression and Fluttershy stared at both of them with a thoughtful smile. " I'll go get the others then and we can discuss together to figure out what else we need."

Luna nodded her head and Fluttershy went to retrieve the others. She turned back to Sombra who was clumsily trying to tidy his unkempt appearance.

She turned to face him, offering her cup.''Water?''

He blinked at her, still sleepy as he brushed a lock of hair back to his usual style. '' Princess?''

She smiled as she shared her water with him.'' It is. We'll be discussing with the rest of them about the Heart, come with me.''

He murmured agreement and got up, following Luna.

As they walked, she noticed there was something missing from his body. She realised his cape was still in her hands. ''Oh here! It must have fallen off of you sometime in the night. My apologies for taking it."

He covered his yawn with a hand, pushing the cape back to her. ''There are no apologies needed, I gave it to you.''

Luna gave him an odd look.

He caught her expression, realising what he had just said.

'' You were shivering a little last night so I thought I lend it to you.'' He quickly explained, suddenly much more awake.

'' Weren't you cold?'' She asked.

He gave her a cheeky smile.'' You'll get used to it after a millennium trapped in frost.''

Luna stared at him, taking a moment for his quip to set in.

She laughed, pleasantly surprised.

She definitely never imagined that.

They walked towards the fire where everyone had sat around and they followed suit.

Hope addressed them.'' Fluttershy told us about the Heart already so now we just gotta figure out what else we need to fix it.''

'' And when the Umbrums are going to make their move!'' Pinkie added.

'' Three days,'' Sombra answered her, face now serious. '' That's what Rabia told the rest of them when I was in the Palace. They're planning their route as we speak."

"Wouldn't my barrier keep them in indefinitely?" Luna asked, exchanging glances with Sombra and Hope.

He shook his head. "The Umbrums draw magic from fear and hatred and they have plenty of that to tap into. It's how they turned me human."

Hope agreed." Amore had to create New magic to keep them trapped in the Crystal. Your magic did buy us time but it can only keep them in for a week if we're optimistic, if not, days."

A tense silence filled the room as the new information settled in.

No more than a week before they truly break free.

Eclipse  (MLP:FIM Princess Luna x King Sombra)Where stories live. Discover now